Why Bill Gates’ Remarks on Bitcoin ‘Deaths’ are Flawed at Every Level

Bill Gates continues his illness of greed by hiding behind “Gates foundation” to seek acceptance, whilst employing tactis of deception, for predatory and exclusionary control of the new markets such as cryptocurrency, i.e.: “Ripple” to centralize the decentralized, pretending to remedy hunger in Africa or immunology.

He has the audacity to try to destroy the Crypto market by his utmost prejudice and inaccurate statement on Reddit. "CRYPTO KILLS"!
Wasn't Microdaft enough?
He is the real terrorist using a centralised cryptocurrency “Ripple” to extend his never ending greed!

Ripple Is not decentralised block-chain but another scam driven by banks and people like Gates behind it.

“Report also claims the Gates Foundation often invests in the same health care and pharmaceutical companies it funds, creating “a corporate merry-go-round” that benefits corporations while undermining support for basic public health systems.’

Bill Gates has never been about quality but a spoiled mother’s boy from a line of thieving family of bankers, seeking self centered gratification at societies cost.

From his very first success through stealing DOS and selling it to personal computer manufacturers, to all the components that was stolen from Apple, TCP/IP, all he has done was to snatch duplicate and monopolize other talents and creations from real inventors and technicians.

After being introudcend to Buffet through his mothers connection he took his game of monopoly to new high levels and has never stopped since.

Now he is running his scams through the Gates foundation and dodging and diving allegations.
Controversial new report calls for Bill Gates’ philanthropic Foundation to undergo an international investigations such as:

India May be Taking Bill Gates to Court for Misusing His So-called ‘Charity’ to Conduct Clinical Trials Without Consent on Behalf of Companies He Invests in

Gates Foundation accused of ‘dangerously skewing’ aid priorities by promoting ‘corporate globalisation’

Report Slams Gates Foundation for Self-Serving Agenda, Corporate Ties

It is very sad that he stands for symbol of success “at any cost” carried by his Microsoft stamp. There ought to be more exposure of how he actually got to his wealth as promoting such characters in history is only making our world a worse place of unhealthy competition and pirate mentality that he has greatly contributed.

Such spineless paracites employ diversion tactics such as pretending that they are “helping poor”, “upholding human rights” or “racial equality” by giving out their “tax deducted wealth” or creating division amongst other nations or races by becoming their symbolic saviours to indirectly manupulate them with their soft killing posion.

Why Bill Gates’ Remarks on Bitcoin ‘Deaths’ are Flawed at Every Level

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