1. Stay curious : Poster's statist /dynamist distinction is really about mindset. People who cannot imagine learning and growing are just wrapping an iron chain around their ankles. To thrive in today's environment, keep asking questions and poking around the next corner.
  2. Read more books: I don't care how many books you've read, there's always another to shed new light on an old subject or introduce you to something totally fresh. Find books in or near your area of expertise and some outside it. Don't have time to read? Try audio books.
  3. Listen to podcast : another easy way to stimulate great thinking is through podcasts. Like audiobooks, podcasts allow us to explore and learn at our own convenience. They also allow us to connect with very specialized information.
  4. Attend webinars and conferences: There are tons of actionable insight to be found at good conferences whether digital or analog.Tony Robbins business mastery event.
  5. Take courses :Whatever your level of education, there's always more to learn. You can go back to school or learn online. You can study anything from design and photography to medieval history through companies like Lynda, Creative Live, and The Great Courses.
  6. Hire a coach: The above example are all getting new input. But even the most specialized are still for a wide audience, not you particularly. Get specialized, one on one coaching can be a huge help.
  7. Join a mastermind : Mastermind group not only provide specialized feedback for your business, hearing about the struggles and successes of your peers will trigger breakthrough thinking for yourself. What if you don't have mastermind to join? Consider starting one yourself.
  8. Meet new people : Our peer group determines a lot about the success we experience. Negative friends will keep you down, while positive friends can keep you moving forward. More than that, our range of opportunities are often set by the reach of our professional network.
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