Weaponized Architecture.

Léopold Lambert shows weaponized architecture in the human scale to enforce government and usual stereotypes of sex, race, misogynist weaponized politics. So whether interpretations of architecture are not just being made over into post modern paradigms to further that crowd control, redesignation of a door in a wall in some special exclusive way, the concept of weaponization has spread to weaponized immigration, weaponized journalism-propaganda, weaponized education. At one time like weaponized weather these were thought to be natural objective occurrences, but now add weaponized sex, cyber sex, hybrid humans. In the main the individual is expected to conform to these agendas or forfeit all rights. There is a weaponized architecture some rungs above the door in the wall, as if art were a dome fitted to a flat earth of humanity, as if blowups from a bubble pie like the creation of Pandemonium in Paradise Lost made sense to house the artifact of the new state of control.. Like the weaponized art of theatre killing the president in the park as Julius Caesar or decapitating his head by its locks to desensitize the common mind to the actual occurrence, that the weapon points toward decapitation of American government, annihilation of the individual. Gehry is the easiest look at this when he models Bilbao after leviathan, buildings of mental health after fractured heads, the wreck of Concordia to state buildings, a wrecked car to a senate chamber. These are meant to prepare the deadening of the public space to prepare the usurpation of the New Order, all well rehearsed in digital replacements of print. Piezo electric implants replace awareness, bastardized reverse ethics replace conscience.

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But the entire human race has been altered. U.N. stats say there are 2.2 billion obese, about a third of humanity in 2017. These people liteRally did not exist before 1970 when BMI of 30 was a rarity. In the UK, a quarter of adults are obese – with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 today. It compares to just one in 35 in the 70s. Ambulances have had to be redesigned, chairs for 500 lb patients acquired, "bariatric" engineering of doors, seats, beds, clothes invented to cover the flesh. BMIs of 40 with comorbid conditions are common, the highest level of obesity among children and young adults was in the U.S., at nearly 13%. Egypt topped the list for adult obesity at 35%. Not only did this epidemic not exist in 1970, neither did its victims. Earth population in 1970 was 3.7 billion, and 2 billion in 1927. The entire globe tripled in the lifetime of one grandfather, tripled in number and exploded in these 2 billion obese in size so that a person of 1950 would walk into a Walmart in Fort Stockton or anywhere and say, WHAT HAPPENED? Deficit spending? But neither does that account for the ghastly human animal hybrid population that NEVER existed at all (unless Atlantis). So scenarios of reptile shape shifting harvests of human body parts in this world are as likely an explanation as the notion that along with harvesting the human the effort is also annihilation. These are products of intention. Masses of deformed people with slowed awareness resemble in their deformation the radioactive deformed fascin-formed, abnormal growth, increase in weight and volume of the daisy with hormonal, genetic, bacterial, fungal, viral and environmental causes. bloated, deformed, elongated, swollen. Mutual effects of this same cause unnamed add to the swelling of the earth from within as another effect. If you like to argue inner to outer, do. Edema is any swelling of the body where fluid becomes stuck in the tissue. This is so geologically not just from magma, or ocean swelling, but pressures from the sun and swelling within from the strangelets of CERN.

Given that architecture reflects the biology of human condition neither are the cause. So Lambert says, "Although the ideologies behind the political programmes exposed here were not invented by architecture, architecture is a necessary means to implement their violence on bodies... the door, allowing the porosity of a wall to be moderated by making a small part of it rotate at will... was not invented alone; it came with a lock and an associated key that allows only certain bodies to transform the impermeable wall into a punctually porous one... Whether the key holder is the agent benefiting from private property legislation, the warden of a prison, or an apartheid state, the determination of who designs/builds architecture and benefits from the control of its violence on bodies has necessarily drastic political consequences... Border walls, container camps, detention centres, fortified police stations, fences, checkpoints, the numerous architectural apparatuses that are flourishing in the European Union and its periphery... “Surrounding a body with walls enforces the incarceration of this body.”... vehicle compartments and office furniture are calibrated on a male standardised body (Joe), ironing boards, vacuum cleaners and kitchens are calibrated on its female counterpart (Josephine), thus accomplishing what Dreyfuss himself calls “human engineering” in the reinforcement of gender normativity... to what political programme does the architect contribute through construction? Weaponized Architecture--

As the conventional passed out of existence the dilemma of loosened space and time in the 50 years preceding this moment modeled 5000 years of the Greco-Roman, Sumerian-Babylonian world. The present was colonized by the past. The forces embedded in this experiment confirm the past returned. There will be some differences in the details between the eons which can be explored as incidentals or perhaps octaves up the pyramid steps. We however personally expect our present to continue in the future. A family moved in across the street while the neighbor was installing a block wall. This double traffic lined both sides of the street with trucks and cars. Backing out of the drive I grazed one to the tune of $200. Weeks later I am triple checking backing out even though there are no cars parked on the street. We project the "past present" endlessly, even when it is gone, which is what happened to Bernie's crowd.

You should ask if past paradigms are broken whether the present to become a past is to be broken? I always hear lines like Justice, "till it is broken, as it is breaking" as much as a version of Prufrock, "all, I shall tell you all." These poetic murmurs are our mirror. We must face our myth and confront it, repudiate it so our bonds are loosed, or repeat it. At one time I was looking in the same direction as these civilization myths, guided, seeing what they saw. Now I turn to look at them, not away. Whatever it is it ain't ISIS, Obama or Gilgamesh. Those are masks. The bonds of the yahoo Greek Roman Babylonian Sumerian ideologe myths are broken pyramids. For all the breakage of myth and fact, one stands now as before more strong. As it happens it is the one I held all along, but now proven externally much to the consternation of the mother ship Velikovsky crowd who hold "Adam and Eve were created by genetic engineers working under the direction of God, who is the “leader of the master technologists”; angels were spacemen; Ezekiel’s vision was of flying saucers;" (Ancient Astronauts). Isaiah 25-30 unquestioned understood.

Yahoo news vested with all mainstream sources in the g r b s myths and the expectations of their woo dictates knights, tables, empires, masons and subterranean rituals in the geography of DC laid out in a pentagram with the Monument and Capitol, an Osiris and Isis state that actually mirrors these beliefs. When we turn and look at this state that creates itself we oppose and see it as false. Stars on the Warpath want to restore the secret vision that once encompassed the state, but is now no more. It's a Scary Time for Scorsese.

More here-https://insightstatutes.blogspot.com/2016/06/pope-vagina.htmlBabylonian Talmud.jpg

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