Bike-sharing firms to use tech to tackle parking issues

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SINGAPORE: Bike-sharing firms have agreed to use technology that determines if their two-wheelers are left in designated zones, in a bid to halt the indiscriminate parking that has led to complaints.

All the bikeshare firms operating in Singapre - SG Bike, GBikes, Mobike, oBike and Ofo - which have about 30,000 bikes between them, welcomed the move by the authorities, saying this would help them strengthen current measures against inconsiderate parking, such as jacking up the price for users who have poor track records.

SG Bike and GBikes both have a geofencing system. Mobike country manager Sharon Meng said its geofencing solution will be in place by next month, while ofo will introduce its system by the year end.

National University of Singapore transport researcher Lee Der Horng said while geofencing would not ensure that misuse of bike-sharing would stop, he said the signing of the agreement showed firms were committed to resolving issues of indiscriminate parking.

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