Three things you must never forget as a young person!

Three things you must never forget as a young person!


I was going through my LinkedIn feed this morning, then I saw this write up by Eyitayo Ogunmola. It's quite worthy of sharing, so I thought it wise to share it with you here.

  • If you study one short thought-leadership piece or read an article per day in 30 minutes, you'd have engulfed about 2000 worth of materials in 5 years of your career. The beauty is that your brain will lead your life.
  • If you move with other great people, you will be humbled by their successes. But having great friends means nothing if you don't know the secrets of greatness. So, move with great men who are always willing to share. I'd look for just one every month and I am super intentional about it.
  • Draw strength from within. The bad side of life is that you'd fail many times. If you are like many, you'd fail woefully. It can be depressing but you can get your head up if you cultivate this one habit- thinking alone. I'd take 30 minutes of my time to be by myself. It makes you independent.

Life is what you made it, life is what you give it.

Isaac Newton said "I can see farther in life because I am standing on the shoulders of people ahead of me" If you want to be great in life, then move with great people because character is contagious.

Take charge of your life, you are the master of your fate.


Marpemusic [MuSiCThatGodInhabits]

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