You are not too young



You are not too young to make waves, you are not too young to create ideas and you are not too young to make positive changes.

Some people let opportunities to progress pass by because they feel they are too young .
When will feel I can't do this...
Some important points about feeling too young.
When you say you are too young for some opportunity to progress, you should give specific reasons. For instance , it may be too early for you to take up a certain job because you would first want to obtain a degree at the university... ‘ i am too young ‘statement simply hides unfounded fear to take up the responsibility .

Watch out for two common bad reason that young people have when they refuse to take up certain responsibilities
One reason is the desire for further indulgence in laziness .They somehow feel that they are adults.
The other reason is the secret desire to indulge in evil practice for gaining some cheap thrills .They feel that youth should be a time to practice any sin, that the time to stop these sins is when they reach adult age or even when they have become too old to enjoy committing any sin. But this is wrong and unfortunate ,there is every chance that one may become so addicted to those sins that a person may fail to leave them behind.

There is a saying that says

train up a child in the way he should grow and when he is old he will not depart from it.
it means that once a child learns good behaviours he or she should continue in it unbroken until death.

Beware of avoiding activities for which you have special natural talents under the pretext that you are too young .

There have been people who produced world famous works as early as at 4 year ago because of natural talents



Ben carson in the book think big gives the following guidelines among other on how you can identify activities or areas in which you have talents, he says , ask yourself the following question .

What do i do well , and think of as fun although my friends see it as work or as a boring activity ?

What do i like to do that has caused others to compliment me?

Lessons from the great
Below are given names of some reputed people who made tremendous progress while they were still young .

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
This Austrian learned to play the clarier ,an early form of piano at the age of 15 , he learned to play the violin and read and write music when he was 6 , he started composing music and performing before large crowds of people , both of which made him world famous .

**George Frederick handel **(1685-1759)
This renowed musician composer of the internationally acclaimed ‘ Halleluiah chorus’ started composing world famous music at the age of 6 and could play at least three musical instruments at that age

Alexander The Great (356-323 BC)
It was at the age of 19 year that he ascended the throne (macedon) as emperor after his father (Philip 11)was murdered . At age 33 he had conquered the world .

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Napoleon conquered Italy at the age of 25 years.

**Galileo Galileo **(1564-1642)
Galileo an Italian astronomer the principle of the pendulum in the swinging lamp in the cathedral of pisa .

Carl Friend rich Gauss (1777-1855)
Gauss is the one of the best –known German mathematicians . Before he was 15 years old , he conceived the Gaussian law in the theory of probability and the prime number theorem well known among mathematicians

There are a lot we can do and achieve at young age only if we believe and push it forward. All we need yo do is to conquer fear and say to ourselves , WE CAN DO IT.

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