Big Government Lie - Kaos1973

If something is necessary people will make it work. Someone will step up and fill the need. Saying that the poor will starve unless we force money off others to pay for their welfare is a denial of human empathy. Before welfare we had charity. Charity is aid and advice freely given, not the coercion of the state as tax.

If you didn't have water connected to your house you would install a rainwater tank. If you had no garbage collection service you would recycle what you could, burn what could and bury the rest. No one tells you who you should go on a date with or what TV program you must watch, so too we don't need to be told what welfare/charity to donate to or broadband provider, or rail network.

The biggest fear leftists have is that a private corporation will get so big as to become a government and so defend the government from the free market. All the while complaining about the inefficiency and lack of choice in a state monopoly controlled environment and enjoying the freedom of choice afforded by the free market.


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