Big Goverment Lie - Kaos1973

What is the single biggest household cost you pay every week?

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It is government - You pay 10% GST on everything you buy, 40c a litre on fuel is tax, your unconstitutional land tax (Only the commonwealth can raise taxes) is several thousand a year. 2.5% of your income goes to medicare. There are hidden taxes everywhere: payroll tax, stamp duties, application fees, approval and certification fees, alcohol and cigarette taxes, license fees, regulatory fees, and the biggest one of all INFLATION.

1 in 23 residents of Queensland is a full time State government employee. How many more are local or Commonwealth government employees?

Every dollar that your household spends, about 55c goes to the government.

What do you get for that? Is it worth it? If your local community wanted a new hall, road, park or whatever, would you not pool resources and donate time, money, plant equipment, and expertise to make it happen? Why is the only answer forcible extortion of money by faceless bureaucrats to buy the biggest ugliest thing that always goes over budget, when the council is broke to begin with?


How much would you save if you had your own septic tank, rain water tank and took your own garbage to the tip? Had your own health insurance? Mowed the road edges instead of the council doing it?

Anyone who works for a living can see the benefit in a smaller government.

Anyone on welfare or government employment can see the benefit in a bigger government. With 2 million public servants and 80% of Australians receiving some kind of benefit, and 20% receiving sole income from the government it is obvious why it is the way it is.

It always comes back to the fundamental questions:

  1. Given that everyone requires resources to survive AND resources are FINITE, is it reasonable that unless otherwise incapable, everyone should aim to contribute resources and not drain them?

  2. Is it morally wrong to take resources when you are capable of contributing them? Or allow someone to take them for you?

  3. Do you want to be taken care of, or do you want to take care of yourself?

  4. Is it reasonable to expect resources that are forcibly removed from others based on your 'entitlements'?

  5. Is government to ONLY solution for our problems? What did we do before the 1960's when welfare state came into existence in Australia?

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