GO BIG OR GO HOME!!! Hi im zia!

How to start.. Dear Steem world? Fuck it; I'll just keep this real.

Ayo everyone, my name is Zia, and I too am a new user to Steem. I literally just found this site late last night being thrown around on a cryptocurrency exchange market forum and wondered, "what the fuck are these guys talking about?", and so here I am writing whatever this is whilst sending links to all my friends.

About this time last year I had the brilliant idea to create a media platform like this myself but was quickly deterred by my lack of skills in the developer world. My idea was similar, except more focused around my kooky anti-Government agendas being that I wanted to create a Social Network which doubled as a public forum for voters by using up-votes to rate a persons profile and their validity in the community. I feel this is kind of the same except with money acting as the votes. So immediately, after first looking at this site, I've felt intrigue as to whether or not something like this really has the capacity to take off. Lets just say I'll be trying my own personal best to ensure it does just that.

I haven't had time to check out other posts yet, and I feel I need to say that now in case I'm doing this wrong. I guess that's either because I tend to be ignorant at times, am too lazy, or because it's 4am and if I didn't have shit to do today I'd much rather be in bed.. I'll be rummaging through the Steem posts straight after I'm done here.

If you're reading this, you're probably wondering who this clown is... I'm a 24 year old male who likes to think of himself as self-educated (high school drop out) and who spends most of his days at the moment trading currencies, posting political satire, trolling Scabs (more political satire), self studying every and any subject I can get my greedy mitts on, and whom is an ex-drug connoisseur; I feel that last attribute should be highlighted here for a future reference to myself, as a means to keep me in check. My hobbies also include skateboarding and hip hop.

So that's about as much as I'm willing to discuss about myself for now, though I'm sure if you follow me and my quest to help validate current and future users whilst also trying to grow the user base, i'm sure you'll learn a lot more.

Please; if you do follow me and I'm out of line, don't hesitate to put me in check. My views and opinions are strong but I know when I'm proven wrong.

Peace and Love!

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