Today the advantages and possibilities offered by cloud computing: the reach of this service has fueled Latin America's broadband expansion throughout the region, but also the growth of a vibrant ecosystem of companies that have adopted the cloud As their preferred technology solution.

This growth, however, implies greater competition in the industry and, of course, the normalization of revenues and profits for large companies offering cloud computing. The biggest of these is, without a doubt, Amazon Web Services (AWS), although for some years it is no longer the only one.

With growing competition from companies like Microsoft (Azure) and Google, innovation and service portfolio expansion is vital to maintaining an edge in a business that today has ramifications in any sector of the economy.

As in any other business in the world, innovation in this sector is paramount not only to maintain an advantage over competitors, but because the same companies demand new ways of using a resource that seems infinite. About 90% of the new features that AWS incorporates come from the needs expressed by its users and many of them implement own schemes of use of the platform that had not even been contemplated by the company.

And, as in many other businesses in the world, innovation in this sector necessarily involves the use of artificial intelligence. Grilanda emphasizes in this point services like Rekognition and Polly, two computer systems for the processing of images and text.

The first one uses reinforced learning and deep learning, among other techniques of artificial intelligence, to classify images: it is a graphic engine to identify faces and to be able to search in databases, among other purposes. The second one that transforms text in voice and whose main application is in the bots of customer service, that are used in call centers, for example.

The inclusion of artificial intelligence is, perhaps, a natural step for cloud computing, since ultimately it is about offering techniques and services to analyze and manage unstructured data or vast volumes of information.

This is already a known landscape for hundreds of companies around the world that handle part of their operations with different solutions from companies ranging from IBM to Amazon.

What is relevant here is that because of the scale and reach of the cloud (whether through AWS or one of its competitors), what is done in artificial intelligence can have repercussions across the industry.
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