Bidbot Power on the Rise

Many who have read what I post for a while know that I've been opposed to bidbots from the start. It's disheartening to me to see that there is so much support for bidbots that their influence is reaching into the top 20 witnesses to cement this into the platform. They are being rewarded for promoting a pay-to-play system on Steem.


I just wanted to share the news, in case you didn't know. The love of bidbots is strong. People want to support those who operate them. Since the platform is ruled by money, it makes sense. Bidbots get more money to people who have money delegated to them. The money votes for the money. There's nothing those of us with less money can do, other than buy a lot of STEEM lol. Money power rules, and so bidbot power and influence rises on the platform.

Did you know that over 1/3 of the rewards on the platform (34.7%) are being allocated to posts by bidbots now? Yup. A whole 1/3 of all the rewards on the platform are being decided by bidbots. More than 1/3 of rewards are being allocated based on buying votes for posts, rather than posts being votes on by members of the community.

Do you think this appeals to the majority of people to get them to join and stay on Steem? Will bidbots champion in an era of wider mass adoption for Steem?

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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