Quaint bicycle along the channel - Un vélo original le long du canal

This is what I have found when strolling through our photo archives...a bicycle with original shapes and colors

and I thought it would be perfect for @jctdesign 's #bicyclephotocontest

I really like the retro fairing, the decorated saddle, and the recycled wooden box that serves as a basket .... a beautiful customization that attracts the eye and lens of the camera of course ;-)


C'est ce que j'ai trouvé en flânant dans nos archives photo...une bicyclette aux formes et couleurs originales

et j'ai pensé que ce serait parfait pour #bicyclephotocontest de @jctdesign

J'aime beaucoup le carénage retro, la selle décorée, et la boite en bois recyclée qui fait office de panier....une bien belle customisation qui attire l'oeil et l'objectif de l'appareil photo bien sûr ;-)


If you also want to participate to this contest, hurry up and go to his post !


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