Is there evidence of biblical giants?


Josephus, writing in the late first century, tells of giants' bones being on display in Israel, speaking matter of factly, as if it was common knowledge. There was a time when everyone KNEW the giants had existed, even if they were already exterminated in that day.

But today there are no bones to be found, at least none that the scientific community will admit to. The proof of the existence of giants puts a HUGE dent in the theory of evolution, you see. It's out of order... enormous and fast and strong men at a time when the average man was 5'4" and most didn't live much past thirty five. We could evolve INTO giants eventually, says science... but there are no giants yet, such would be the line of the scientists. So, without having meetings and distributing memos on the subject, would you be surprised to discover that scientists had done what they thought was best for them, that actual finds of giant bones have been suppressed?

Is it that there are no bones, or that the bones have been destroyed or hidden?
Hard to say with 100% certainty.

But what about evidence other than bones? How about the artifacts of war? Arguably the most famous of the biblical giants -- Goliath -- gets a scriptural account of the size of his weapons.

1 Sam 17:7

"And the staff of his spear was like a weaver's beam; and his spear's head weighed six hundred shekels of iron: and one bearing a shield went before him."

Six hundred shekels weighed about 15 pounds. So, a spearhead with the weight of a BOWLING BALL. Between the spear and the sword, he went into battle with someone ELSE holding his shield. Not enough hands. This giant was very much offensive-minded.

The biggest of this find of ancient spearheads in the photos below, dug up by a farmer clearing land in Israel in 1962, is 24" long, and it is not 15 pounds. Goliath's spearhead would have been even bigger than this one. But this is a very very BIG spearhead, entirely outside the realm of normal military style weapons in that time, about three thousand years ago. These are in the Israel Museum.


This one is FAR bigger than a 5'4" soldier of any man's army two thousand years ago could have used.

Scripture also says Goliath's spear SHAFT had a size reference, not for length but for weight and thickness. It was like a weaver's beam, the bible says. This size comparison for the weapons of the giants is made no less than four times in the bible, so obviously a weaver's beam was something everyone in that society knew... and they also knew that NOBODY had a spear made from one of those, because it was too big and heavy.

It would have been comparable to a 2x4, maybe 2.5" thick in the round. Not all of them were long, mostly 5-6 feet, but more than twice as thick as a normal soldier's spear. And heavy.

A spearhead of 8", including the end that attaches to the shaft, would have been a big one in that day. The one in the picture, in the museum, is three times that long, and it is NOT as big as Goliath's spearhead. This big one in the pic above weighs a few pounds, perhaps five, not the fifteen pounds specified in the bible.

Now, the armor. The weight given in scripture, 5000 shekels, is over 120 pounds. What kind of foot soldier can carry not only a spear with a giant head and oversize shaft, the whole weighing over twenty pounds, but ... a 120 pound coat of mail?


That is not much less than the WEIGHT of the average soldier.

The mail scales in the picture, found all together and with the spearheads, are to be attached to a heavy overshirt to create the mail vest. These are BIG, over three inches across, much larger than normal, and visibly cover much more area than the average mail coat for a soldier in that time.

Wish we could find a helmet. That would pretty much settle the issue. But this weaponry and armor are definitely made to fit a man considerably larger than the typical Israelite soldier.

Evidence of biblical giants? No skeletons... but... Logical to find oversized military hardware, as the giants were warriors, said to be not just big but very strong and fast and ... belligerent.

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