Where Can We Discuss the BIBLE on Steemit?

One thing that impressed me about Steemit was the fact discussions were mostly civil, respectful, well thought out, and well written. So I looked for a forum where the Bible was discussed. Obviously I looked here in the BIBLE forum. Sadly I didn't find much focus on the Bible but rather the teachings and opinions of men.

Is it possible to actually use this forum for solid discussions of the Scripture?

An example of what I mean is this:
In Acts 17:31 the word pistis (πιστιν) is used. In Heb 11:1 the same word (different form) is used (πιστις). This world is most often translated into English as "faith" but most modern translation chose to use other words. However, the Wycliffe and the Concordant Literal translations do use the word "faith."

I think we know why the translators might have been tempted to avoid the inconvenience of a verse which says "tendering (or giving) faith to all ..." but can WE have a meaningful discussion of points like this? To be meaningful in my mind we should submit to the following constraints:

  • Limit the discussion to the facts of the Bible, not what someone has said ABOUT the Bible
  • Avoid, at all costs, the myriad of denominational interpretations on a particular verse and the accompanying divisions
  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect, neither insisting nor resisting based merely on our current understandings

Possible questions to be discussed might be:

  • Is there any grammatical or other basis for NOT translating πιστιν as faith since in many other occurrences it is translated so?
  • If not then what are the ramifications of a verse which translates "... tendering faith to all..."?

Finally, if BIBLE isn't the correct forum for such discussions can someone suggest another, please?

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