Answers To Bible Quiz Questions 8

What were the religious leaders called who continually tried to trap Jesus with their questions?
Pharisees and Sadducees(Mark10:2)

What miracle did Jesus do for Lazarus?
Raised him from the dead (John11:43-44)

On which mountain were the Israelites given the ten commandments?
My Sinai (Exo34:35)

Who was Solomon's father?
David (1King2:12)

What job did Jesus' earthly father, Joseph, do?
Carpenter (Matt13:55)

How did Judas betray Christ?
With a kiss(Luke 22:48)

Solomon judged wisely over the rightful mother of a child, but how did he determine who the child belong to?
Threatened to divine the child (with a sword) (1ki3:25)

Whose father was prepared to sacrifice him on the alter?
Issac (Gen22:9)

At the age of twelve, Jesus was left behind in Jerusalem. Where did his parent find him?
In the temple (Luke2:42-46)

When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, what did they think he was?
A ghost (matt14:26)

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