Yay!!! It's a brand New Year, Happy New Year(2018) to all the Jews in Diaspora

Hurray! It's a new dawn, it's a new beginning, it's a new bliss, It's 2018 already. We' re right in the season of celebration, not just a celebration but a 'triple' one and it's again one of it's kind. This is a time we are most thankful to God for letting us witness another awesome year.

why triple celebration in the year 2018?

  • The New Year
  • The Sabbath(weekly Sabbath - Saturday)
  • The New Moon feast
    They all are girdled in the month of Nisan/Abib- the first month of the Jewish Calendar during which Passover (Pesach) falls. In this manner, the Jewish year begins with God’s great redemptive act at the time of the Exodus from Egypt.

Usually, the Jewish new year comes within the month of March of the Roman month.

The Sacred or Religious Jewish Calendar Months

  • Abib or Nisan ( Exodus 12:2-37 ; Exodus 13:4 ; Nehemiah 2:1 ; Esther 3:7 )

  • Iyar or Zif ( 1 Kings 6:1 )

  • Sivan ( Esther 8:9 )

  • Tammuz ( Ezekiel 8:14 )

  • Ab;

  • Elul ( Nehemiah 6:15 )

  • Ethanim or Tishri ( 1 Kings 8:2 )

  • Marchesvan or Bul ( 1 Kings 6:38 )

  • Chisleu ( Zechariah 7:1 )

  • Tebeth ( Esther 2:16 )

  • Sebat ( Zechariah 1:7 )

  • Adar ( Esther 3:7)

There are feasts that comes in yearly and folks, we shall be celebrating hugely. I'll keep you all notified at the appointed time during the biblical months.

So the year has just begun....

Happy New Year to All

May the desires of our heart be met this season of so much Joy.

Much love from me, @starbele

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