BIBLE STORIES # 42 - Jesus Raises Lazarus

In the small town of Bethany lived two sisters and a brother - Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Jesus loved them, and they were his true friends.

Once, when Jesus was staying with them, Martha decided to make a delicious treat. While she was busy, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to Him carefully. Seeing this, Martha became angry with her sister and exclaimed:

  • Teacher! Look: I'm already off my feet, and she's messing around! Tell her to help me!

But Jesus answered:

  • Martha, Martha! You're all fussing, but Maria chose what is much more valuable: what will remain with her forever!

And one day a misfortune happened: Lazar fell seriously ill. Jesus was told about this, and He went with the disciples to Bethany. But when He came there, it turned out that Lazarus had already died for several days and was buried. The sisters were very sad, a lot of friends and neighbors came to console them. When Jesus saw this, he was sad, wept and asked to be led to the grave. But to the sisters, He said:

"He who believes in Me will come to life after death, because I myself am a resurrection and a life."

In those days in Palestine, the dead were often buried not in the ground, but in stone caves, the entrance to which was then filled up with stones. And then Jesus was led to such a cave, and He asked to move the stone away. All were very surprised, but they fulfilled the request. Then Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and prayed to the Father, and then exclaimed:

"Lazarus, come out!"

And so, to the amazement of all those gathered, Lazarus came to life from the grave! Seeing this, many believed in Jesus.

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