Jsnip4 on Populous ICO ... Looks like the next Veritaseum ... Clif High says because of secret sauce, it will be bigger.

As the dollar crumbles like many other fiat currencies, more money will move into cryptos. I will be here giving out info to help those research and navigate these new waters of wealth.


Your one stop shop on inofrmation about Populous PPT and other ICOs

Today I am here to share again, my man @jsnip4 (honestly one of my favorite people on the net). He has come out with a video on Populous and is speaking highly of it. Which coincides with Clif High's view on the coin PPT. Enjoy, then read more and see more videos about Populous below.

Great video in which Silver the Anitdote (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAAuvHzeMTFrOuk2ftMBNw) really goes in depth as to why this is the next big thing to get into ... comparable to the likes of Veritaseum.

So I told you a while back that I am a huge fan of Clif High of halfpasthuman.com and the work he does in predictive linguistics. In his most recent reports, he mentions that there are some companies and ideas behind ICOs that are stronger than others.

I missed out on Veritaseum only ending up with a hand full of coins at a decent price after the ICO finished on Etherdelta at roughly $40 a piece. Not a bad return for the explosion that has happened when it finally hit the exchange. 300% return in a month makes you feel good regardless of the amount invested.

I decided to take some of my ETH earned from my Veritaseum investment and put it into a new ICO that Clif seemed to like...

"The language around Populous shows very long legs for this sub space in cryptospace. This set may
well be dominated by the first mover advantage that is still open for claim. Populous may well make
that claim.
This offering represents our next opportunity for a real train engine and not mere track laying. The
concept, the work so far, the language for the sub space in general, and this offering in particular could
not be better placed for the niche being targeted."

-Clif High

There actually never was a true ICO because all of the coins (PPT) sold out during the PRE-ICO. I find myself yet again praising the man, the myth, the legend, Clif High for his reports. I think I will prove to be quite lucky to have been aware of the PRE-ICO and to have gotten in days before it sold out.

Many people will talk about missing out because they waited for the July ICO date. My advice, in this frenzied environment where more and more people come into the market every day; If you are serious about investing in a project make sure to look at the website, read the whitepaper and do your research to make sure you get that first crack regardless of how much it costs (granted after said research you determine that it is a must have).

Populous (PPT) is currently trading on Etherdelta (https://etherdelta.github.io/#PPT-ETH) and is starting to make a move up. Don't miss out on these prices... many including Jsnip4 and Clif High believe this is the next Veritaseum and eventually could outshine it because of the secret sauce of this investment...

(credit to Silver The Antidote youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAAuvHzeMTFrOuk2ftMBNw)

Clif High has stated that this coin has the potential to be the next BIG ICO and when Clif High speaks my ears perk up like a hungry dog at the sound of kibble hitting the bowl.

Much love my Steemians!

Starsteem Out

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