The Hashgraph vs The Blockchain - Cool insights from the founders/developers

Hashgraph aims to solve the bandwidth and speed of transaction constraints inherent in the blockchain.

It is not only about an optimization of the protocol or how transactions are recorded/distributed it is an entirely different approach to the open distributed ledger as the Swirlds Hashgraph concensus algorithm arrives at fairness and coherence with guaranteed Byzantine fault tolerance.

They call it the 4th generation of blockchain and crypto technology following bitcoin, ethereum etc.

What does this mean? The algo uses a revolutionary method of validating the ledger:

So long story short instead of validating every single transaction ever made since the beginning of time as it is with BTC (and with all other blockchain based cryptos) the hashgraph simply only ever asks two 'people' - the one having done the last transaction and one witness. Supposed to work as long as no more than 1/3 of the population are evil.

Apart from this super simplistic summary of mine it has many other interesting features and the whole approach is mind blowing if you ask me.

If you've stuck through to the end by now you are intrigued and want to learn more, at least that was my thought.

Can't argue with many of the points made then again, one always can find points of discussion.

What do you guys think?

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