DLIVE REVIEW: Better DLive Survey by yukimaru


Hello there my wonderful Steemit family! And big ups to my #dlive fam for having this survey for the improvement of our streaming platform. Here is the link about their new campaign announcement. I will be sincere, honest, and transparent on this matter, and this is my opinion, feel free to comment... Like and follow too. Hehe... :)

“How do you decide a stream is good or not?"

Hmm, a brilliant question! But a rather vague one because we have different notions of "good" and "bad". A big point to consider is first impressions really do last. From my standpoint, i should really be drawn to the stream even just by looking at the thumbnail. It's like going to an interview, you need to look presentable yet you need to stand out from the ordinary. You need to be creative and imaginative, it tells you a lot about the person behind the stream. Rather than going to google or taking a screenshot and uploading it as your thumbnail, why don't you spice it up and PERSONALIZE it.

I'm not saying that you do this kind or style but hey, this is me! :) You can have a simple title on your stream, but most of us humans are engaged visually. Your title can be catchy too, but not clickbait. ;)

Image source -edited

Does having a higher bitrate correlate with good or better quality? Most will out rightly say YES!, but that would be too dense. You can be streaming with 10,000 bitrates with 1Gbps connectivity, full of flashy overlays and eye twitching graphics, but sorry to say i can't consider that a good stream. I become apathetic sometimes if i see too much "embellishments" on a stream. With a catchy introductory image, maybe a webcam and a simple logo overlay is very much welcome and would suffice. What do really attracts me on a stream is innovation, keeping it fresh all the time.

Rather than streaming a very high quality mainstream game 1080p all the time, put some oomph in your usual stream. Maybe stream a simple 8-bit game, or try some other titles, learn new games. Keep your viewers engaged not only in your chatroom, but most of all, in your content! If you are an FPS guy, try some RPG, or make your viewers request games that you can play. Who knows? You might enjoy it too! ;)

"What do you think about DLive and how can DLive improve?”

For everybody to know, Dlive is my first ever streaming site that i have engaged in and still continuing to love every moment. As i have no knowledge on other streaming sites, i can say it is easy to use and has a very user friendly interface. Currently on my 2nd week here, things have improved a lot just by looking at the website. So much developments means the admins are always committed for the enhancement of the site. I find myself most of the time hanging out on their Discord when i'm not streaming. Dlivers there are a bunch of colorful people mingled with each other, and you will definitely learn a lot and have awesome friends in the process. :D

Dlive is a very new platform, and there are a lot of room for improvement. Keeping the site minimal is a great thing, cluttered and complex sites are not cool. The only thing i can point out is the "disappearing stream phenomenon", a bug that is running amok at the site. It has nothing to do with the bitrates, or location, and i can't seem to have a solid reason about it. I know the devs are doing their best about the situation, so let's pray and have faith that it will be resolved. :)


"And briefly explain us why you started streaming on DLive."

It's my 7 month in Steemit when i stumbled across dlive. And being an avid gamer since the NES days (i even remembered playing pong in Atari, seems my dad was a gamer too. :D), i was excited to find my niche in the gaming platform because of dlive. I'm not an experienced blogger for sure, but gaming, hey, it's in my blood. Even livestreaming is new to me, dlive kept it simple and i literally jumped on the dlive train after setting up my gear.

To tell you all frankly, steemit helped me a lot especially on my finances. Living in the Philippines, i am eternally thankful for the platform. And now being active in dlive, i'm having a blast in this lovely and friendly community. I won't be sugar coating anything, i love to be transparent. But as one banner says, "Come for the rewards, stay for the community."


"What are you streaming and how are you planning to improve your stream in the future."

As you can see on the picture, amidst the PUBGs, fornites, CS:GOs etc., i mainly stream Hearthstone. Because of my Magic:The Gathering background, i instantly loved online tcgs. Still learning the game though, but i'm having a mighty fine time with it. More dusts please! :D


Two weeks in dlive, i also have streamed a handful of indie games which i got the past month. They are a random bunch, and i still have tons of other games standing by. I want my stream to be dynamic and fresh, which really reflects my personality.

As for improving my stream in the future, the rewards i receive here will be surely invested for a better gaming gear and a faster connection. My laptop especially my connection hinders me to have a much better stream. It hiccups from time to time, but fret not, time will come for a much needed upgrade.

Maybe i could try PUBG someday.... ;)

Praise the Lord! u

Keep on Steemin'!


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