Wagering Bot is Here! Foresee Winner of the Game and win SBD

Hello Steemians!

BetGames bot is here for you to play and win SBD's for wagering amusements!

Each Couple of days we will post one diversion which could be soccer, cricket, american football and so on.
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It is safe to say that you are energized?

images.jpgHow would you be able to make SBD by wagering diversions?

Take after @betgames

Look at every day post on which diversion we will wager on?

  • Bot will post one amusement for every day max

When bot posts the amusement on our page, you simply ahead and choose which group you need to wager on

Send 1 SBD to @betgames with choice name of the group on which you need to wager for the posted amusement

You can send numerous circumstances, however at once don't send in excess of 1 SBD

Bot will part the failures sum with champ similarly, and bot will charge 10% expense from the aggregate sum got as an administration charge

You can not wager diversion once the amusement begins, in the event that you do send by botch your sum will be discounted.

on the off chance that the amusement closes in no outcome, bot will discount you SBD

The outcomes will be posted in another post with victors and screen capture of payout!

Any wrong wager sum will be discounted by the Bot. If you don't mind send just 1 SBD at one time
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It is safe to say that you are prepared to wager diversions and acquire SBD day by day???
Are you ready to bet games and earn SBD daily???
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What will you procure?

Victors will get SBD's from washouts dispersed similarly among winners.(10% charge will be subtracted from add up to)

Case :

Situation 1( champs get high benefit):

in the event that 100 individuals wager altogether. Say 25 individuals wager on group An and 75 individuals wager on group B.

Also, gives say a chance to group A winds up winning.

Add up to Received amount=100SBD

Store After Subtracting 10% Fee=90SBD

For this situation BetGame bot will pay each victor = 3.6 SBD ( which is 90 SBD separated by 25 champs )

Situation 2: (victors get low benefit)

Illustration :

on the off chance that 100 individuals wager altogether. Say 25 individuals wager on group An and 75 individuals wager on group B.

on the off chance that group B winds up winning.

Add up to Received amount=100SBD

Reserve After Subtracting 10% Fee=90SBD

For this situation BetGame bot will pay each victor = 1.2 SBD ( 90 partitioned by 75 individuals) i.e 0.2SBD benefit.

Situation 3: (Winners don't get benefit or misfortune)

On the off chance that 100 individuals wager and 100 individuals win your wager sum will be discounted without subtracting charge

Additionally if champs to washouts proportion is high and if that makes the finding of expense influences your aggregate winning add up to go underneath 1 SBD at that point No charge will be deducted. We ensure victors dependably get anything>=1SBD

*** No issue what Winners of wager will never get any misfortune ***

Play a wager and perceive how your fortune changes!!

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