The Best Steemit Blogger Contest by @tatjanastan

@tatjanastan is running a #beststeemitblogger competition where people have to nominate who they consider to be the best steemit bloggers. So simple, even a simpleton like me can understand. I like stuff like this, it gives people the chance to say thank you to someone and proudly name them as being a great blogger and lovely, community-minded member.

It's a difficult choice as there are three people I wanted to nominate, each of them for slightly different reasons...@grumpycat @haejin and @berniesanders.....

Obviously Joking ;-)

The member I wish to nominate (and to be honest, now I've made the decision it's an easy choice) is,



Is her content the best? No. It's great, it's fun, it's honest and lovely but not the best....

She posts just maybe once a week, and they are great posts. She isn't churning out post after post 4 or 5 times a day as many of the more big shot posters do here. She keeps it real and honest and when she posts it's generally a long well-crafted travel blog. Not swanky or top class, but real, attainable for her followers who mainly consist of, with all due respect, low rep members who have a dream and who absolutely adore her.

Is this enough to win the 1st prize? No.....

What alone should win her the prize is her engagement with her followers and her contributions to the community. When @purepinay posts she is bombarded with upvotes and comments that are a long way short of the rewards you might expect for having such a following. Her last post achieved 853 upvotes and 428 comments with 2556 views. And she replies to everyone, she must write hundreds of comments a day. Even now, when she hasn't posted for a while, go to her page and look at her comments, look at her wallet and see the amount of causes and people she helps out and finally, what would be difficult to know is the fact she must have a 100 people on autovote....and the vast majority of them plankton and people who desperately need a boost on Steemit.

Camping in Cebu? Seriously! (Canso-X, Balamban)

This lady is the embodiment of Steemit.

And it is this community spirit, her class and her appreciation and understanding of the elevated position in which she is held by so many followers that she absolutely deserves to win first prize.

#beststeemitblogger @purepinay

PS My real three choices were @teamhumble @honeydue @maverickfoo - check them out people. They are brilliant.

(If this post wins a prize, please donate my part of the winnings to a person or cause of @purepinays choice)

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