
Streets in Dubai is a lot busier than anyone can think of, each morning traffic jams are there giving additional breakfast for you on your way to work. Its been 3 years since I set foot in this country and I guess that I'm kinda used to it.

Compare to the city of Manila, Dubai highways are wider and cleaner. But you know what is annoying? In Dubai, you will encounter a lot of reckless and irresponsible drivers that you never imagine. The most common is those who are driving too slow on the freeway and what causing all of this is using their mobile phones while driving. In my country, this is a strict rule that results in a really serious offense that will cost you a lot of money or worst you might end up in jail. There are also drivers who don't know how to use their signal lights while turning or changing lanes, but what is funny about it is they change lane first and hit the signal after they did it.

Riding my bike!

Well, how do I get along with all of this stuff? It is because of my bike! Yes, you're right! Every day, I ride my ever trusted companion on my way to the office saves me a lot of time cause I can literally fit in all the gaps between cars. I loved to drive while listening to the music makes me more relax and less care about all the adversaries I may encounter along the way.

Like I said, I'm trying to self-taught a new niche that I found very interesting and that is video editing and filmmaking. I know I need the help of my ever trusted, and very young friend @vadimlasca for some tips and tricks. But don't want to disturb him as of now. Hope you like this video and expect more as I progress in this niche...

Thank you so much!!

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