Best Dad Contest- My Love My Hero

Have you ever been attached to someone or something you don't want to lose?
How did you feel when it's gone?


Hello steemians! Let me take with you to my journey for now, where you could experience something terrible (sometimes stunning, sometimes ghastly)


I will share something to you about the best dad in the universe and how he brought us to the better today. But before the clock starts on ticking, I wanna thank you #bestfather @reginecruz, for this opportunity, for giving us the courage to partake about something.


If you follow me, @hae-ra (in introducing yourself), you can see a bit whereabouts of my family background.
We are just simple, yet still a happy living family. Though we encounter a lot of challenges and difficulties in life, we able to managed them all.


As I started to breathe and opened my eyes in this unpredictable world, I am so lucky to have my parents, especially I have a very strong and hardworking father. He makes us happy (he tells funny stories to make us laugh).

He was a truck driver and at the same time, also a farmer since in his teenage time back then, and until he got married my beautiful mother.


They got blessed by five lucky children, (three boys and two girls), and I am the eldest. He is a very kind and thoughtful person, he's really one of a kind, but no one can compare to him, he really did his best as a father to his children and being a good leader to our family.


He got to disciplined us if somethings gone wrong with our behaviour and personality. As a child, we really get upset everytime he scolded us, but as we have grown enough, we understand little by little what he did and why he did all of those things. And until we realized that we are so thankful to have him because despite of everything, he molded us to the best,,,, and I could see it now.


As I have grown, I could see the sacrifices of my father for us as his family and how he able to faced those challenges (and maybe that's one of the reasons why i'm used to having difficulties in life). He taught us in every way he could. Though our living is such in impecunious stage (whether you believe it or not but it's the truth),,,,


He strive harder to feed us and to brace our needs. But as a father to his children, he did not forget to educate us, he gave us everything he could just to let us study like other children. And we, as his children also did our best to return the efforts of our father.


As the years go by, I graduated my 2-year-course, since we're not that good in financial, I took up a short degree course, which I could able to work after I graduate, and so it happened. And I could able to help my father to finance our needs though.


However, we really lived for being a happy family though we had some misunderstandings sometimes.


We just lived on our own, we didn't bother someone's lives, but still we help others who are in need. My father is the strongest among others.




But one day, a tragic incident happened. It surprised us a lot!!!


It was a August 16,2015, around 5'oclock in the afternoon.
I was sleeping in my room since it was my graveyard shift of work, while my sister went to church (as I have thought), but she suddenly came back immediately and approached me as if she was out of nowhere,,,,

Her: (as she awoken me while catching her breath)...
****Ate..., Ate..., Papa is brought to the hospital!!! he's being stabbed. (Ate- is an elder sister in the family).
Me: (in shocked!!!!,, while looking at her in no response),,,,,,,

While preparing myself to go to the hospital,
I kept wondering why??? and who did it to my father?,, my father is a very good person, he has no bad record in his whole life,,for me, he is the best and no one could ever replace him in our hearts,,,but why it happened???? We don't even hear any rumors that would cause such like this.
I kept myself calm while riding a jeepney going to the hospital, I just think positively that nothing would happen to him,, I hoped that he will be saved in his life.,,,

But when I arrived at the hospital,,,the doctor suddenly approached me in a doomed face,, no tears came out from my eyes as I was standing for a while like a stone in the dark.
I held the doctor's hands, begging her to save my father whatever happens, but she just nodded, saying sorry,,,

I was so down seeing my father in bed (like, Lord, why is this happening to us now? What did i do wrong?,,,)
A lot of why's that no one could answer.

We were so down, we don't even know a single thing on how to handle everything,

Days, weeks, months, and even years has passed, but it seems like it's still fresh to us of what happened. We cannot accept but we could not turn back time.

And the one who did the crime got in prison for just how many months because he able to have a petition to bail and paid it for his case.
He's now free though the case is not yet over.


I am so much disappointed, that's why I decided to just stop the case since, we have nothing could do. Hence , we also want to move on, because if we were in the court, it kept remembering us of what happened,, the incident were still be refreshed during trials.

(and regarding the culprit, what he did is just because of his anger to my father, for some reasons, my father asked him to pay his obligations, because he is indebted but he might not want to be bothered that's why he did such crime)

We need justice, but I don't think justice in the Philippines is that fair enough though (as I can see). We tried our best, we even paid a lawyer just to prove he was doing wrong but I dont know what's the problem in this cruel world, when the culprit is already there, they just let him go. It's just like catching a fish and throwing it back to the sea.

I got to feel insane sometimes, but I know that I have to hold on myself and to be strong for the sake of my family, since I am the eldest, and I know how my mother felt up until now.

Everything happens for a reason. When something's going on in life, just be ready whatever it is. We can't predict anything when we just know something. Learn to accept the circumstances what it may bring to you.


Papa, you're the very best I could tell. You really sacrificed everything. I dedicate this blog of mine to you. I love you and I miss you everyday. Stay healthy over there as you were in here.
****(some pictures are not that good because they are old, but old pictures might fade but good memories will never be erased)***


************Thank you for reading (but I want to ask some dispense if this is kind of dramatic, I really cried while making this story, I could not control my tears from flowing down through my face)*************

God bless everyone.... See you next time.

*************Losing a father is like losing oneself and that day, I lost myself, but when it get's hard, I get a little stronger and braver now,,,and when it get's dark, I get a little brighter and wiser now...****************

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