Photos on the tables Nº1 - The blood of the trees

Photos on the tables Nº1 - The blood of the trees

As I mentioned in my #introduceyourself the photography in the theater marked a before and after in my way of photographing, making me see, feel and live each of the images that captured my lens in an even more magical way than it already was.

Although this theatre performance was not the first time I had the opportunity to observe the theater through my camera, it was by far the most important in my very small career in this vast and beautiful world of theatrical photography, since I really lived every second and every moment of the performance.
For my luck, I was sitting in the front row with a man with whom I shared the emotion of the performance. This important person whose name I do not remember, was a theater critic with a certain trajectory in my country and I explained things that I, the truth, had not perceived but they did contribute a lot to my way of shooting each photograph.

To explain the theatre performance a little more I will leave a synopsis that I found on the Internet where they explain it much better than I could do it.

"The Blood of the Trees", explores the dilemma about the relationship of two possible sisters who cross times and face possibilities and decisions that are taken or not, as if everything they did not do was happening in another dimension space time suspiciously close to the that they inhabit.
This contemporary drama interrogates the mysteries of kinship relations and displays them dynamically, like a Mobius strip where it is not possible to distinguish where the beginning is and where the ending is. " Source*

In addition, I will add a small technical sheet of the perfonmance

Genre: Comedy / Drama
Country: Argentina-Chile Year: 2017
Author: Luis Barrales
Direction: Luis Barrales
Cast: Juana Viale - Victoria Césperes

On this occasion, I used a Canon 5D Mark III with a lens 24-105 L F.4

Now, without further ado I leave my selected photos of this great theatre performance.



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Instagram: @g_ph96


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