In Detailed Op-Ed, Bernie Sanders Calls Out Corporate Media’s Complicity In Allowing The Rise of Our Corrupt Olicarchy


How many politicians do you see LEGITIMATELY criticizing the mainstream corporate media? 99% of politicians either obsess over how there is bias against their party or bias against them... they only care when it affects them and theirs.

Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, is pissed they the media doesn't talk about OUR problems more, especially pertaining to income inequality, lack of healthcare, our rights (civil, human, constitutional, etc.) being taken away, endless wars that kill innocent civilians, because they're too busy serving the government and the donors who buy them off.


And that's the main reason the media doesn't talk about the problems of regular people: because they are big corporate media conglomerates, who get their pay checks from rich fat cat assholes, who want lower taxes, higher ratings (aka obsessing over scandals), fake debates, where guests yell at eachother and wars to cover, showing dead bodies, while sucking up to the military-industrial complex.

It's all so clear, when you open your eyes, and really think about it... we're all rats in this sick little experiment.


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