Bernie Sanders - Pro poverty?

Here is a thing I don't understand about support for Bernie Sanders.

For most of human history, the typical person lived in abject misery, only a step or two from starvation. I'm not talking about American-style poverty, with television, cheap food, and free though mediocre schools. I mean poverty so bad that you wouldn't even dream of sending your kids to school because by the time they hit walking age they're needed for field work. (And by this age about half would be dead).

I mean poverty where you spend 90% of your income on food, because if you don't, you starve. Poverty so bad that today's archaeologists simply expect that all human remains from the era will probably show evidence of one or more of tuberculosis, syphilis, intestinal worms, rickets, bubonic plague, and long-term physical disabilities from badly treated major injuries.

Then, starting in the late eighteenth century, came capitalism, with property in land, movable goods, labor (but, increasingly, not people), and financial instruments. And people began to leave their abject misery en masse and for good.

Now comes Bernie Sanders, who says the system is a bad one. And there was a recession a few years ago where I had some tough times. So I guess we burn it all down?

I see nothing here but a fiercely defended bout of myopia.

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