Investing: A Case for BEOS 2023

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Disclaimer: Please be advised that I own a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrency assets, and anything written or discussed in connection to cryptocurrencies– regardless of the subject matter’s content– may represent a potential conflict of interest. I wish to remain transparent and impartial to the cryptocurrency community at all times, and therefore, the content of my media are intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing that I write or discuss should be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice. Nothing should be interpreted as a solicitation to invest in any cryptocurrency, and nothing herein should be construed as a recommendation to engage in any investment strategy or transaction. Please be advised that is in your own best interests to consult with investment, legal, tax or similar professionals regarding any specific situations and any prospective transaction decisions.

Investing: A Case for BEOS 2023

BEOS launched about four years ago and was originally touted as a middle-chain between BitShares and EOS with a unique focus on leveraging the benefits of both chains. For example BEOS has the ability to utilize the BitShares smart coin factory as well as having the ability to capitalize on free R&D occurring at EOS by upgrading their chain when new updates are achieved with EOS team. BEOS also has a special focus on jurisdictional agility as well as blend of public/private, centralized/decentralized, compliant/iconoclast, and open/closed features.

It is my belief that there is a very favorable risk/reward ratio with BEOS and that is a powerful factor when it comes to interest in investing into our ecosystem

Bro, BEOS is dead look its not even on coinmarket cap!

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated!

Its 2023 lets look at the State of the Chain:

  • Stan Larimer (the Godfather of BitShares) has confirmed with a "correctamundo" on the official BEOS telegram page that he has successfully secured a sizeable investment that will likely go towards Karat Swap development and launch. He is also optimistic about securing more funds after a second round in a similar process which would also include funds for Sovereign Sky. We have also learned that Mission Space has been absorbed by Sovereign Sky. Read more about Mission Space here @stan/mission-space-space-telescopes-to-host-sovereign-sky-beos-nodes
  • Quintric is partnered with BEOS and is up and running allowing people the opportunity of owning a physical gold backed cryptocurrency token, with multiple pools to swap and stake with! Check out XBTS for the latest in BitShares UI improvements and DeFi AMMob

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**Step by Step Guide to Depositing Physical Gold, Silver, or Goldbacks into XBTS **@highsteam1900/step-by-step-guide-to-depositing-physical-gold-silver-or-goldbacks-into-xbts

  • A speculative observation, Jurisdictional Agility could serve the cannabis and gambling sectors well. Will Sovereign Sky or BEOS be involved in helping projects in this field? The Tangi Project was retweeted by the official Karat Swap account, to be clear its speculation at this point, but there seems to be some promising dots to connect between the two projects. Join the public telegram group to ask questions and get help getting involved in the ecosystem.


  • I personally see a top notch team overseeing a severely under the radar project and naturally I think there is value to be gained. I also see active participation in securing funding, active staking on XBTS, as well as open communication on Telegram. This blog post details case for investing in BEOS in 2023 and why I am excited to be along for the adventure! I hope you enjoyed the insights and consider subscribing to this Hive account!
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