Bengali Cremony Traditional Day ||| Pahela Boishakh 1425 Traditional Day Of Bengali ||


Pahela Boishakh 1425

'Pahela Boishakh' is the frist day of bangla new year. The day is a public holiday. This day has a special significanse for us as it is a part of bangalee culture and tradition. People from all waiks of life, irrespective of their ethnic identity or religious beliefs,celebrate the day with traditional festivities. On this day, the whole of Bangladesh is in a festive mood. The day inspires people to start life with renewed hopes and inspirations.

Celebrated traditionally day

Every year the day is celebrated traditionally. People wake up early in the morning, have a both and wear their traditional clothes. Women wear white sarees with red borders and adorn themselves with colourful churis and flowers, while men dress themselves in pajamas and panjabis. It is a day when people love eating traditional food.


Ramna Batamul Organised bye chhyanata

One of the most colourful events of the day is held in dhaka. Early in the morning, People in husdreds and thousands pour in from all directiond to attend the cultural function at Ramna Batamul Organised bye chhyanata. The cultural programme begins just at sunrise and the renowned artists of the country take part in the programme that starts with the famous Tagore-song Esho-he-Boishakh,Esho Esho ........ . Artists also sing traditional folk song, and display classical dance with the rhythm of musical instruments.


People also come to join the colourful processions, the biggest carnival of the country, organised by the fine arts students of dhaka university. The procession usually displays the traditional practices of Bangalee culture. The masks and wreaths worn by the people are so fascinating ! Often they symbolise contemporary worries or happiness in the national life. It attracts an inceasing number of foreign tourists every year.

Cultural organised

The day is also observed all over the country. Different social and cultural organisations and educational institutions celebrate the day with their own cultural programmes.

On the days, Newspapers brings out special supplements. There are also special programmes on the radio and television.

The celebration od Pahela Boishakh marks a day of cutural unity for the whole nation irrespective od caste and creed.

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