What are the Health Benefits of CBD? Why Everyone Should Be Using CBD Oil - Thomas Delauer

With CBD becoming more prevalent, we're hearing
all kinds of ailments that CBD can treat, but no one's talking just about general health. No one's talking about how CBD can play a
big role in just living a healthier, longer life and just overall having that better well-being. Well, first of all, before we can talk about
general health, we have to have a clear understanding of what's going on with CBD within our body,
but also what CBD is not. You see, CBD is a natural stimulator of the
body's natural endocannabinoid system. What that means is that CBD, unlike THC, directly
allows our body to produce more of the endocannabinoids that allow us to feel good and treat some
issues, but also help modulate anxiety and maybe even help us sleep. You see, when you look at THC, it's a whole
different world. If you look at cannabis, cannabis is going
to make it so that your endocannabinoid system is directly stimulated, meaning you have an
exogenous ligand. What that means is you have an exogenous force
coming in and stimulating something, just like a drug, whereas CBD promotes the natural
production of something. You're not changing anything. You're not blocking anything. You're just allowing the body to produce more
of what it likes. Now, the endocannabinoid system is a really
cool thing. It really gives us bliss. It gives us relief. It gives us calmness. We have endocannabinoid receptors throughout
the entirety of our body, not just in our brain. When we look at how CBD works, CBD comes into
the body and then it suppresses something known as fatty acid amide hydroxylase. This FAAH is required to normally metabolize
THC or to metabolize cannabis down to something else. But when we look at CBD, because it suppresses
this FAAH, it allows the body to essentially produce more of what is called anandamide. Now, there are a lot of different endocannabinoids,
but the one we want to focus on the most is anandamide. You see, the reason we want to focus on it
is because there's a lot of research surrounding anandamide. Anandamide is a really cool endocannabinoid. Basically it comes from a Sanskrit word anada,
which literally means bliss. Now, When we look at anandamide, it has some
really powerful effects on what is known as tumor necrosis factor one alpha. Complicated name, but TNF1a is simply a very
powerful inflammatory marker. When TNF1a is high within the body, inflammation
is usually systemically high. Now, I don't want to go down a rabbit hole
talking about inflammation too much, but when we look at pretty much every single chronic
disease state within the body, inflammation is at its root. CBD directly has an ability to produce more
anandamide within the body, which therefore suppresses tumor necrosis factor one alpha,
something that's very, very important when it comes down to modulating inflammation. Now, another thing that it does is it reduces
mitogen induced T and B cell proliferation. Okay? This is all about your immune system, right? When we have an overactive immune system,
we have a lot of T and B cells that are activated. That could mean that our immune system is
attacking itself for no reason, like in the case of autoimmune conditions. Now, the way that CBD affects this is again,
the anandamide affects that mitogen induced process by promoting what's called cell apoptosis. Again, I know I'm over complicating things
a little bit, but the simplest way that I can explain this is it allows a cell to die
when it's supposed to die. If we have an immune cell that is old and
shouldn't be there and it's programmed to die, literally cells have pre-programmed cell
death called apoptosis, and it's living longer than it should, then it's going to cause the
body to heighten up the immune system war, which means we're going to be sick. It's going to feel like we have the flu all
the time because our body is just constantly fighting itself. We don't want that. Now lastly, what anandamide can do is it blocks
what is called a lipopolysaccharide induced activation of nuclear factor-kappa B. Okay. That sounds like a whole lot. Nuclear factor- kappa B is another master
inflammatory signal within the body. Now, a lipopolysaccharide is something that
comes from an unhealthy digestive system. Basically it's unhealthy gut bacteria that
triggers the release of something into the bloodstream, a lipopolysaccharide. These lipopolysaccharide trigger inflammation. Basically what CBD can do is it allows anandamide
to block a lipopolysaccharide. That means even if you are somewhat unhealthy,
CBD could help you get healthier by blocking these bad bacteria from really causing this
issue within your body. Now let's transfer over to anxiety a little
bit. We know that anxiety is the reason that people
will take CBD, but do we really know why? Well, it has a powerful ability to activate
what's called adenosine. You see, coffee blocks adenosine, whereas
CBD activates it. Think of it as sort of the opposite effect
of coffee as far as anxiety goes. Now, we're not talking about energy here. We're talking about anxiety. If you have too much coffee, you feel anxious,
right? Well, believe it or not, CBD can have the
opposite effect because it allows less glutamate to get into the brain and more GABA to be
releasing to the brain. Essentially, we're always in a delicate balance
of GABA and glutamate. Lastly, it activates something known as 5-HT1A
receptors. Now, this is just a direct precursor to serotonin,
so essentially we have an indirect way of helping you feel good. Last but not least, I do want to make a quick
mention of something known as GPR55. If you're concerned about cancer or you're
concerned about cancer growth, GPR55 is something that you need to block. It's been shown in studies that by blocking
GPR55 we can decrease cancer cell proliferation. It's not saying that it's a cure for cancer. It's not saying it's to prevent you from getting
cancer, but studies have shown that if you block GPR55, cancers don't grow as fast, and
CBD has been shown to block some of the GPR55. When it comes down to just living a long,
healthy life, you just want to make sure you're choosing the right CBD and that you're going
down the right path because we all want to live healthy. We all want to live happy. We all want to live for a long time. We have to stop trying to treat each individual
symptom and just treat life as a whole. As always, make sure you're keeping it locked
in here with Octagon Biolabs. I'll see you soon.

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