Can protein powder go bad before its expiry date?

Gym goer or not, protein is essential and when you don't get enough protein from your regular diet, protein powders can come to your rescue. Whey protein, in particular, is a good source of natural nutrition derived out of whey, which is the liquid part of milk left behind during the production of cheese. Since it contains all nine essential amino acids and is fairly low on the lactose content, it can also be a convenient way to replace whole foods.

While protein powders come packed in a big quantity in containers and do have an expiry date mentioned on the back, it is never as safe as it sounds. Remember, the product gets exposed to certain risks a lot many times over. The fact that the product is closed and opened so many times through the days, it can expose it to moisture or an accidental splash of milk or water (even droplets) can ruin its properties.

Can the dry powder decompose or pose health risks? Here's a brief explainer:

It is important to remember that one of the key ingredients in the making of a protein powder is milk thistle, meaning that it has the ability to go bad even before the expiry date.

While protein powder is dry and there are fairly lesser chances for microbes or bacteria to grow, there are certain factors you should pay attention to so that all that money doesn't go down the drain and your protein powder actually does the job.

If the flavour of the concentrate starts to brown or taste a little chalky or iffy, it can be a possible sign of the "Maillard Reaction", when the protein starts to react with the sugar added in the product and as a result, one of the important amino acids in the mix, lycine starts to break down.

When lycine goes for a steady breakdown, the powder won't be able to do its job as you do not actually get the protein that you need.

Experts also say that while protein and carb slowdown in the powder mix is fairly low or not that dangerous, the one thing you should be actually worried about is FAT. If the fat component goes bad or rancid, it can ruin its composition and make the powder worthless, while deriving you of needed nutrition at the same time.

That being said, protein powder made out of milk do not rot as quickly as other dairy byproducts. It is still safe to use as long as you practice certain precautions.

The ideal way to store it

The biggest risk for a protein powder mix is moisture and heat. Protein mixes also have a tendency to react and absorb with water pretty quickly. Hence, ensure that you keep the container away from any kind of oxygen, heat, sunlight or moisture exposure.

Keeping it in a dark, preferably cool place like a shelf, drawer where the risk of possible contamination is low would ensure that the powder maintains its efficacy and helps you reach your goals.

However, if you spot signs of change in consistency or clumpiness or it smells weird or looks a little moldy, be careful about using the product. It could have gone bad.

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