My name is Vincent Ezima. I am first a Bible Teacher and Public Speaker. I was born in Lagos, Nigeria in July 14, 1965. Due to the outbreak of war in Nigeria in 1967, my parents and I relocated to our village in Eastern Nigeria. There I grew up, and went to primary school.
I returned to Lagos in 1978 to go to secondary school. After my secondary school, our family moved North to Kaduna, then again North Central to Lafia.
I latter went to the polytechnics in Enugu in the East to study Mass Communication. There, after my studies, I joined the foremost newspaper in Nigeria then, the octopodial Daily Times of Nigeria as a cop reporter. I progressed on the ranks to staff reporter, senior reporter, correspondent, staff writer, desk editor, judicial editor, bureau Chief, etc, in the process moving from city to city on transfers. When I finally came to settle down in Lagos, I
took a Masters in Business Administration degree at the Lagos State University, majoring in Human Resources Management.
I left Daily Times to join a new flagship news outfit, The Post Express Newspapers as the pioneer news editor. When the Hallmark Weekly newspaper was conceived, I became the pioneer Editor.
While on the staff of Hallmark I received God's call to work for Him in His vineyard and I obeyed. Today I teach the Bible, write books, speak to diverse audiences large and small across the country, consult on leadership and human capital development, organize seminars and conferences for people and travel widely.
I'm married and have wonderful kids. My wife and I with our children live and thrive in Lagos.
I hope to vigorously engage on issues relating to Human Capital Development, spiritual formation, and mental enrichment with the steemit community. Especially, I will share my research on brain boosting and how to maximize your brain Power.
Any individual who combines the grace of God with brain optimization is unbeatable in life.
Blessings to all Steemians in Jesus name. Happy

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