BeLoveBeLight Contest #1 : Changing with Traits

Just over a month from now on February 16th, will be the 5th anniversary of the death of the best friend I ever had. The best friend anyone could ever have. I’d like to write my explanations to these topics using his life and death as examples of what a fine man he was, and still is in my heart and mind.

Willingness - the quality or state of being prepared to do something. This is something that he taught me. He was always ready to help someone do something. Even if it was something that he really didn’t know much about, which was not very many things. I acquired some of his willingness and I now help people do things if they need it. Before I would make all kinds of excuses to get out of it. Not anymore.

Enlightenment - give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding of a subject or situation. This was really him, almost to a fault. He knew many things and was always ready to spread his knowledge to others. For me, I don’t know near as many things as he did, but the things I do know, I am now able to try to explain them to others. Before I just figured that if I had to learn it the hard way, so does everyone else.

Appreciation - the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something or a full understanding of a situation. Although I did appreciate my friend while he was alive, since his death I realize that I really underappreciated him. Sometimes it’s so hard to believe that he is really gone, even after almost 5 years. Even as I type this, I have tears in my eyes (just a minute, let me wipe those). I don’t believe that I will ever have another friend as wonderful as he was, but if I do, I will be sure to appreciate him/her with all my being.

I try to use these traits daily, but do not always succeed. Whenever a time comes to use them though, I go in whole-heartedly. Any or all of the traits listed in this contest could be used daily. Anyone of them, even in small portions, could help send one person in the right direction, hence start making the world a better place for all.



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