BeLoveBeLight Contest #1 - Our Hearts Encompass Light

My entry for @belovebelight's contest, which can be found here. This contest speaks very much to my own heart as I have been using a lot of these ideas to better myself for the world and those in it.

This contest encompasses several aspects that I have recently held in high regards and I find it amazing to be able to write on some that are just as important!! I hope if anything my entry will help open the hearts and minds of others.

Love has always been something huge to me as it was something I didn’t often experience or receive. It’s overwhelming sometimes, just being near someone close to you or someone you have a real family bond with. I myself have always kept myself extremely reserved and it has led to many missed opportunities. I still have it a little bit, but I have become much more accepting of it now and it has made things much easier.


It used to only mean a lover to me until a few years ago. I had slowly opened up to the idea of a little more. Over the last year or so I’ve had some amazing help rebuilding myself with the love of those around me. Because of the efforts made and my own realizations I’ve become much better off. Love is family, soul mates, kindred spirits, and friends. Reuniting with those you held so dear and never letting go. Forgiving those who do us wrong or make a mistake. Trusting them, being there for them, accepting them and helping them grow. Appreciating all the little things they do, because a big thank you for a small action can make a person's day!! The world is love and so are we as we must fight off the negativity and accept that we are love.


A lot of my life I’ve always felt pains for other people, I always thought it as a curse. Always going out of my way to try and help someone or fix their problems. I guess for me compassion is kind of like that. Going out of your way for a person in need. Taking on their burden while trying to help them overcome it. We are beings of love and I really believe that is something everyone should do. There would be less pain in the world if we could all just set aside our own ego or greed to help one another out.


What is compassion without kindness? Without love? Without actions? If we just sit by and let someone suffer we’re neglecting our responsibilities to one another as human beings to bring light and love to everyone! We are ALL responsible for one another! We’re all here to meet the same goal to be happy and filled with love! Build each other up when you’re down and you’ll see amazing bonds form! We’re all one and one person’s sadness can affect everyone! The smallest act of compassion through kindness can change your day and the person involved! Make a difference!!


Lastly, but honestly, probably the most important one is willingness. Without willingness, how can we accomplish anything? Willingness is the ability to accept change in the world. It’s willingness to accept others. To offer love and accept love in return. Willingness opens every possibility to you. How can we do what we know is right without the willingness to act on it?


To me willingness is everything. It gets you up in the morning, it opens you to new adventures and new changes. New relationships that could open more and more doors. If you don’t have the willingness, then how can you make the world a better place, or how can you become better and live in peace? We all live in unity in a world so messed up by the powers in control and technology that we often overlook the great changes we could make if we only put forth the effort! You have to be able to act, and want to act, in every wrong you see and make it right. I could go on and on about how important willingness is in all of these aspects, but I don’t think anyone wants a novel. 😅 Just we have it within ourselves to be the change we want to see. Have the willingness to make those efforts in all that you do!


I would personally love to go on about all of the other elements mentioned in this contest, but I'm sure others will do a great job of doing so. Best of luck to everyone entering, and a BIG thanks to @belovebelight for holding this contest!!! I hope you enjoy the entry!

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