"BeLoveBeLight Contest #1" - LIFE

This is my entry for the belovebelight contest where you can drop your entries here to contest and also read the rules of the contest.
I so much love the topic that comes in multiple forms thereby making the contest more easier for people to choose from. In my whole life I would say they all play an important role and while some are mixed feelings. @belovebelight, you really did do a nice tweaks to some of the suggestions I made. I'm an expressive writer and the limit you lifted will favor me. Kudos.

I'll be focusing my post on LIFE and how the factors below helps in bettering my life and I hope this helps you too.



The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one’s life.”
Peace Pilgrim

Peace can be said to be freedom from the disturbances of life. If we are not at peace with ourselves and our neighbors we cannot live in harmony. You might ask, how do I find peace?
In my short living here on earth I have been able to put in measures through which I can find peace which I will share few of it below.

  • Try to be early: You might wonder how this can give you peace in life. I used to be a type of person that doesn't keep to time, but after few years of living with a relative I learnt the value of being early. If as a worker, you can't get to your post in time you won't have a peace of mind especially if your boss is a harsh type. While in the cab you'll be thinking a lot of the query that will be left at your table, if you were going to be suspended or at worst if you were going to be sacked probably because you have been warned severally. Being early helps a lot in our everyday lives and gives us an inner peace.

  • Tackle the problem weighing you down: We seem to be careless about the problems facing us which in turn weighs us down, stresses us and put us into a lot of thinking which is unhealthy. In my life I set out my problems and tackle them from the most pressing to the least pressing. Why do I start from the difficult ones? The most difficult and pressing problems often tie us down. I recall when I had no money to pay for my rent and tuition, I was just there expecting a miracle without working for it, but nothing good came through. I started thinking a lot that I had no peace of mind even when I want to eat. One day I decided to face this particular problem by venturing into what would help me raise money. I got into a design competition even without the necessary tools needed. I confronted my problem and gave in my best and at the end of the day I won and from that day till date I have had total peace because I'm still in school.

  • Tomorrow will be better: Sometimes you may have a bad day, or maybe life changes your plans for the day and you don’t get to achieve what you had planned or hoped to. The best way I go about this in my experience is to simply tell myself that there’s another day tomorrow and that I can get it done then. Beating yourself up, putting blames on yourself is not helpful strategy. It will affect your inner peace, and you might end up seeing yourself as a failure and that limits your ability. But when you believe in your tomorrow, take a glass of wine and a book, sit out while the cool breeze blows away the thoughts of the bad day and enjoy the rest of the day while being hopeful for tomorrow.


For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23:12

Humility to me means kindness and a good heart. Embracing humility helps ensure that people are there to pick you up when you fall, not celebrate your misfortune. You can't be proud and expect someone to help you. Humility has helped me get ahead in life and I do that by placing myself at the same level as others and I do not look down on people because I am doing well and maybe they are not. Humbleness and kindness work hand in hand and therefore being kind can also make you happier and have a good life. Chemically, when a person performs an act of kindness the brain produces dopamine, which has to do with positive thinking.

I will share two to three points of how being humble has helped and bettered my life

  • Earn respect from others: When you are humble in life, you tend to earn respect from people the more. Humble people are rare, so when someone gets in contact with one, he/she is pleased to and thereby respects the person. If you are humble, your decision on matters are taken into consideration, because they think you have thought about it before giving your opinion, which is likely to be accepted. People respect those who don't brag and boast about whatever they achieve. They feel comfortable around the humble ones, and therefore can share their problems with them expecting a positive result in return. I show less interest in myself and more in people because I focus less on myself. If I am able to make it why would I want to make someone feel bad about my achievement?

  • Grateful for your achievement: When you are humble you become grateful for what you have, instead of desiring or wanting the things you don't have yet. I'm not saying that wanting something is bad but its all about the focus. In this century, most of us want what we don’t have and can't get our hands on. Sometimes we go extra miles just to get these things which is very wrong. Like I said in my first post about peace that I had to face my problem because I wasn't at rest, I did that because it was a problem that would affect my education. But when I talk about going extra miles, it is when what you want is not necessary, or you want it because you have seen your friend with it. We’re born into a society that exalts money and fame above every other thing. It’s okay to have those things as long as you approach the world with humility. A humble person who genuinely appreciates what they have and focuses on others that don't is far more likely to succeed.

  • Stop living a shallow existence: When you have been to poor countries and you see how happy they still are even with their condition, that alone will change you. These are humble and good-natured people that are willing to open their doors to you and offer you food even when they don't have enough for themselves. There’s nothing wrong with owning nice things, but there’s something wrong with it when the decision to do so is to make people think you’re doing better than you are in life, when you are not. If you live such life, everyone will think you're just fine and won't want to help. That is why the songwriter says;

Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.


Appreciation to me is gratitude, thanksgiving and exaltation. So permit me to replace appreciation with any of these. Even the bible says

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

Appreciating God brings about more blessings and more favors, so does appreciating people. I never fail to appreciate God, and he never stops to bless me. My parent thought me to always say thank you when I'm offered something or a favor. It goes a long way in future. You might need help next time, and because you showed humility by expressing your gratitude for the previous favor received, he/she offers to help again.

The deepest principle of human nature is a craving to be appreciated. If we are to be honest, we always want to feel valued for the person we are and for the contributions we make. If a person expresses their heart-felt appreciation for something we have done, it motivates our passion, purpose and spirit.


I'll share few points about my personal benefit because I showed appreciation and I'll let you picture the ways it has helped my life.

  • Promotion at work which means more money and a better standard of living.

  • Improved my self esteem.

  • Reduced my negative emotions of anger, envy and hatred towards people and has increased positive emotions of love and empathy.

  • Getting to meeting with great people through those I appreciated for their efforts.

  • Faster achievement of goals because when I humble myself and appreciate the little things done for me, people are moved to bring me up to the spotlight and do more.

  • Improved my health because I have peace of mind.

I hope you get inspired by this little but captivating piece here. I am happy to be part of this contest and I wish everyone the best of luck.


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