arrived early at the school, found a tree and now i’m camped out beneath it on the laptop!

man today is glorious.

i mean it was yesterday but today is perfect for how the day needed to play out, i’m picking up my daughter from school in the next thirty minutes so it’s the perfect time to pull out the laptop and start writing.

i forgot my sim from home (the unlimited one) so i’m without internet and having to resort to checking in along the route when i find an open network or something i can register to get on, i’m using speedify (referral link) along the route to make sure my connection is secure (vpn)

getting up early is proving to really help me focus the mind up, i’ve already pretty much covered everything i needed to do today and not lost any time doing it, transferred some steem, put some funds away for rent, even put real meat on the 13 ways to interface with the steem blockchain in the cafe.

replaced the soups i had this week, replaced the pesto, bought poppet mango and a donut for the walk into town for energy and liquids and am covered for late tea tonight if the pizza in town does not cover it, in all, we are set for the evening — she’s got swimming in the morning so it’s an early doors breakfast together.

back to work around lunchtime tomorrow, i think the weather is going to change and i really want to have a solid 48 hrs of theming setup tomorrow for the daily shows i do and really get into the meat of the twice weekly show for the client — i’m keen to start the top 10 for @steemhunt as well.

all in all considering that @dayleeo went back i think i managed to reflect that separation energy into something good inside of mulling over it, instead inverting it into determination energy — determined to get on top of things, put money aside into pots for the ‘big picture’ stuff (like ten year visas!) and get over there for a fortnight break in a few months time.

otherwise, what the hell are we doing, RIGHT?! ;)

i know that dayle has a busy one today (what with family) and she seems like she is already crushing it. i’ve been receiving a regular feed of photos of breakfast and i always try to be on top of all her steemit posts over on @dayleeo (give it a follow!) i’m proud of her, few days and she’s getting adjusted to that six month jet lag life! — i’d say she needs about a week.

can’t decided today if to go to the buffet pizza place or just go and get pizza cheap in town and go back earlier, i’d rather go to the pizza place and spend that time with bella together, make it an event instead of just walking to get on a bus to go back ‘inside’ the van, at least this way we can have dinner together properly and wander to the bus when we are both stuffed!

i’m gradually seeing what life could be life as a freelancer that works there hit into their day to day life. no commuting, time freed up to do community projects, basic income style of living, the usual things you would work a job you don’t like doing just to pay the bills and the rent — at least the work i do now is the stuff i love and i know it’s gonna have impact as more people start looking into social blockchains and basic income.

anyway, twenty minutes spent writing this out, moved the time on a little, she will be out in the play yard soon and i’ll dad mode the mango drink over the fence to her because i know she will have forgotten to have a drink in this blaring sunshine! :)

catch up with you later! :)
lots of love
(and thank you all for the support this week!)
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