From a slave to a master, chapter # 30 - the key of beliefs, Part VIII and final

A Memoir

One of the falsest rooted belief that humans hold is the cross-cultures belief that we, humans, are all sinners. Such world-view, religious and secular alike, gives birth to deep guilt-feelings which shape and form our reality and make it unnecessarily miserable.

The belief that at some point in our life we committed a sin, that we hurt someone else, that we harmed another living creature like us, is relentlessly bothering and depriving our inner serenity. Whether we left a relationship or were deserted, we would always feel that we did something wrong, that we hurt our ex-spouse, that we failed in some way to fulfill their needs. Therefore, we would always feel guilty! That self-lashing (figuratively of course) is pointless and contributes nothing to anybody; especially not to us on our journey towards TrueLove and self-acceptance.


Credit: viola

The way to deal with that belief is through understanding that from a broader level there is no such thing as sin; That concepts as “bad” and “good” belong to the old world of duality; that everything is merely an experience.

  • Did you yell at your child and now you feel guilty?

  • Did you cheat on your spouse and now your conscience severely bothers you?

  • Do you work many hours a day and you barely see your family and loved ones so the guilt disturbs you?

  • Did you tell someone you love them just to make them do something for you and now you are tormented by what you had done?

This is the time to stop thinking like that; to cease torturing yourself and to understand that everything you ever have done was appropriate. It was an experience on your way – the soul’s way – to decipher and to decode the mysterious connection between the physical reality and TrueLove. You are not sinners. None of you.

I am not saying that harmful behaviors are justified or should be repeated. Not at all. These were events that you chose from a certain level of awareness to bring you to your current state of being. The belief that you are sinners that need redemption in this world impedes you from understanding the nature of TrueLove and the vast territories in which it resides.

As soon as you examine your beliefs and worldviews your awareness and perceptions will grow and your new achieved balance will make sure you can never hurt anyone.

Summary of beliefs

in the past chapters [#23-29], I have presented the key of belief. The mental structure that directly influences your personal reality. I have given several examples of common beliefs regarding love and relationships.

Work with the beliefs I presented in those chapters. Examine yourself vis-à-vis the general worldviews. What is relevant for you? What beliefs do you hold? What does still serve you and what does no longer apply? Working with your beliefs is a never-ending task because your reality is in a state of constant development. The good news is that rather quickly you train your minds to automatically release the beliefs that don’t serve you and to adopt those who proliferate and enrich your lives. The journey has never been easier and effortless, as it should be.


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