The Daily Meme #389!

As you go through what is left of your day, I want you to consider what it is you are asking from other people, if you do ask things of other people, some of us don't.

If we have a realistic estimation of the burden we place upon others simply by being here, trapped in a crapitalust economy, with no other choice but to sell our time into it for what is offered, we can better know who is trying to profit from our misfortunate imposition and who is trying to just get by enough to survive until some reality returns to the insatiable.

Profiteers are insatiable, it's just the nature of the game.
One ring rules them all.
It's golden.

Resist, if you care enough.

Luckily, we don't have to account for our labor in dollars, or any other fiat currencies, or currencies at all, we can just continue to contribute to the collective pile while taking what we need from the collective shelves.
On any given Tuesday we can drop our yoke and walk freely with want of nothing.

Bet you didn't know that, huh?

When you get time, postulate how much a bottle of coke would be if the profits and taxes were removed.
The people that profit most from the current split did nothing to get that coke to you.
Yet, you paid their profit and tax without complaint.
Such a good slave, really.

I forbid you from reading this book!
You might begin to question why you were fed this one.


If you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places, perhaps it is time you pushed back on that, eh?
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets that make the world what it is today.

That is all, for now, you may resume your otherwise mundane day.
To contest the characterization of your day as mundane, make a post of your own explaining why your day is not mundane and ping me, eh?

We are having a membership drive in these discords, tell your friends.
If you want a voice in the consensus join them, and be one.

Join the Hive Discordiant Room:
This room is open source, and end to end encrypted private chats are available.

Exercise your duty to mitigate abuse.

Appeal blacklist flags here.

Get your flag reviewed for redemption.

Proof of Brain:
You know, what they sold us on to get us here.

The Terminal:
Newb friendly chat.

@irivers' list of discord servers.
@irivers does hive website reviews.

Well informed newb friendly chat.

Hive Official:
Central focal point of much of the hive.
Building the holodeck in 3d VR.

The Pulse:
Alternatives to the groupthinc.

Klye's server:
When your day just doesn't have enough Klye in it.

These are public rooms managed by private people for the benefit of everybody using this blockchain.
What they do is voluntary, but openly public.
Don't abuse their willingness to work for the collective for what little we give them, eh?
Without them, none of this exists.


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