Craft Beer and Blockchain and understanding the Public Ledgers behind Bitcoin

It's a Finite Resource with the size dropping in half every 4 years... to 2140 when it goes to zero with a total of 21 million. And who is behind all this? Cryptocurrency is not free to create. It takes a lot of energy and requires developers and miners and users..
All made possible by the Ledger... remember, the public ledger is the blockchain. Yikes ! I need a beer.
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VALIDATE IT ! Miners get to work !

Miners build the public ledgers through the POW - Proof of Work validating transactions, each added to the ledger and SAFE behind added computational work adding to the Chain...

...and no double spending as every Bitcoin transfer requires a Miner to consult the Ledger.

In the public blockchain the transaction validators are thus given great trust BUT their identity is known and these Nodes can be ejected from the network. All of this adds privacy, decentralized, instant, scalable, open source, ....

Beer Break !

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Next Craft Beer wants to blockchain the crafting choices for brewers based on what consumers likes... buying beer with tokens...

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SHA-256 is the algo for bitcoin and Every Ten Minutes ... miners busy sucking power on their computers... group bitcoin transactions into a “block” and turn them into mathematical equations. Then the next miner to find the solution lets the network know.

This POW - Proof of Work system is a major advantage allowing Bitcoin miners to independently find the next block, announcing it to the Network to be validated that the work was done. The blockchain grows.

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I will close with a Gluten-free Double White IPA on tap nearby !

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