🤑 HIVE-ENGINE Tip Tokens: Rent's Recommendations Two!


With the birth of HIVE-ENGINE came the ability to easily create a newly minted cryptocurrency on the HIVE-Network. Some of these are what is known as Tip Tokens. Most of these tip tokens function the same way, they use a bot that once called will tip a percentage of said token. Today we will be providing a list and short description of some of these tokens.


First up is the !BEER token. The !BEER Token was the first tip token on the HIVE Network that I personally started using. I mean who doesn't like getting FREE BEER. The !BEER token isn't just a tip token as it has been integrated into several games like @dcity. @detlev is the issuer of the !BEER token.

!BEER Hive-Engine description is as follows ,"*For each 24 staked BEER you can call the !BEER Bot once per day using the command "!BEER" to tip 0.1 BEER free of charge to someone. For 240 staked BEER you can call 10 times a day".


Do you know what goes great with Free !BEER, that's right FREE $PIZZA. The issuer of the $PIZZA token is @pizzaexpress. Its bot functions similar to the !BEER bot as to use it you need to type the command !PIZZA. This token has its own website in which can be found by going to https://www.hive.pizza. The website itself looks well built and contains all sorts of information about the $PIZZA token. If you are interested in this token then visiting the $PIZZA site and learning about its functionality and future plans is a must. You need to hold 20 Pizza to gain access to using the Tip Bot.


This tip tokens functionality and goal is simple and to the point. LUVshares has the goal of spreading love around the Hive blockchain. It like the other tokens mentioned here has a bot that can be called in which will give FREE LUV. To use the bot one only needs to hold 10 LUV tokens and then use the bot command !LUV . The !LUV bot will then show up and award 1 LUV to whoever the bot got called on. For those holding 10 LUV, the LUV Bot can be called upon three times a day thus allowing users to freely give 3 FREE LUV tokens to the lucky persons in which they want to share the LUV with. @crrdlx is the issuer of this tip token.


@abh12345 is the issuer of the !ENGAGE Token. This tokens purpose is to encourage ENGAGEMENT on the HIVE Network. Holding 1001 ENGAGE is required to distribute ENGAGE. Using the ENGAGE bot is as simple as typing the command !ENGAGE to the person in which you want to share the ENGAGE token with. After using the bot command !ENGAGE the bot @misterengagement will show up and award the !ENGAGE token to the person you intended it for.


BST is short for BullShitToken. Yup, you read that right, I said BullShitToken. The BST is one of the newer tokens created via the Hive-Engine exchange. Its Hive-Engine descriptions is as follows,"The BULLSHIT Token is the Chuck Norris under all Shitcoins with really no use case". This token doesn't have a tip bot but with no real use case it seems as its only function is to "tip" it to others who might want to hold some BST. It being new and releatively unknown means it token price is low so if you're interesting in owning a Shitcoin with no use case than BST might be the perfect coin for you. BST is issued by @st8z.

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Those are the five "Tip" tokens in which make today's list. Do you use them for tipping on the HIVE Blockchain?? Do you know of other TIP Tokens that work on the HIVE Blockchain??? Sound off in the comment section below and let me know your thoughts.

To visit Rent's Recommendations Part One click here.


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