Beer Review - Stone Ella Hop Revolver

Abv 7.7 IBU's Not listed on the box. (But high up there for hop lovers)

So I picked up a Stone Brewery IPA pack for the BBQ festivities this afternoon. There was a mystery IPA in the pack based on their single hop varieties. This review is about that mystery IPA. It uses Ella hops exclusively.

I'm outside BBQing and it is a hot day over 100 in my neck of the woods today. Absolute great time for a beer!

I poured this beer and came out a golden color an almost apple juice color. Little head which you can see from the picture. Smell is sweet but not as hoppy as what I am used to from more hop balanced Stone IPA's.

It is a bit one note, but I suppose that's the appeal. The hops have a taste of orange or maybe lemon. Overall good flavor! Not my favorite hop, but still strong like a cascade or mosaic.

I'd definitely like to try the other single hop brews they put together. Stone is masterful at making excellent IPA's. If you have a chance pick this one up. Not as good as the standard Stone IPA, but definitely more flavorful than a lot of IPA's I've picked up recently.

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