Guinness Extra Stout: An Amateurish Beer Review

It's been a while since I posted one of these, but St. Patrick's Day seems to demand a look at (and taste of) the best-known Irish beer. Mine was not green, though. Stouts are supposed to be dark brown with tan or cream-colored foam. Period.

Guinness Extra Stout along with other beers under the Guinness brand are actually brewed in several different breweries around the world. My bottle was properly labeled as a product of Ireland imported by Diageo USA, rather than from a North American brewery associated with AB Inbev. Yay!

Stats: 5.6% ABV, IBU unknown.

The dark roasted malted barley used in stouts does impart a sort of burnt toast flavor, but not in a bad way, if that makes any sense. It's smooth, and not watery. The malty sweetness is well balanced by the rest of the profile, and although it's not my favorite stout, it's not bad at all. It's probably too late to grab a pint for the holiday for most people, but give it a try anyway. Just make sure you get the real deal, and not one of the gimmick bottles or alternate products.

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