Easy Mini Art Contest #3: Save the butterflies


Instead of using a paper, paint brush,pencil, or in other words the usual materials in drawing /making an art. I decided to collect and gather my materials from my garden, which can be amusing when I put them together. It will also add an effects to feel that it's like a true nature with butterflies flying around, looking and searching for nectars

The things that I like about the Butterflies are their ability to see the UV light which can help them to see nectars of the flowers. Then they will start to pollinate it with the process called "pollination "

I also like the life cycle of the butterfly

Eggs➡️Caterpillar ➡️Pupa➡️Butterfly

Their cycle is just like the cycle of a human. Where in we will face a lot of stages/challenges in our lives. You will encounter problems/ and discouraging words from other people, but if you have determination, you're doing your best,striving, and working hard, we will be able to achieve our goals and fly high.

Just like a butterfly, it started from an egg until it became a caterpillar. At the time it reaches this stage, it will encounter some challenges, like rain or storm, and etc. It has to survive the challenges or else it will die. The butterfly will be tired and hopeless, so it needs to rest(Pupa stage) , but the butterfly will not stop, it will comeback until it reaches the goal to fly high as a beautiful butterfly.

We know how beautiful and amazing the butterflies are. But are we doing our part/being responsible enough to help and protect them. Did you know that using a pesticide contains glyphosate that can kill Milkweed, which is the only plant monarch larvae eat. Without the milkweed there will be no food for the larvae.

So we should stop using pesticide because it's not just harmful for the butterflies, it's also dangerous to our health and nature. Another thing we have to avoid playing the caterpillars which will be a beautiful butterfly someday.

We should help the butterflies, just like the purpose of this contest. It's a great way to spread the word on how to care and help the butterflies.



  • Tamarind leaves
    It will be used as the body of the small butterflies
  • Camachile leaves
    It will be used as the wings of the small butterflies
  • This flower will also be used as a flower
  • Grape vines
    For the antennae of the butterflies
  • Narra leaves
    For the wings of the main butterfly

My materials are ready, it's now time to make some art


I started on making the flowers by peeling off this strange flower I got from my garden. Then I put them together using a glue gun.
After that, I made the butterflies by putting the leaves together.

I've painted the flowers and butterflies, but I decided to repaint the butterfly with color silver


Putting them together for the last step

And it's done!

I hope you like it

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