She is a woman of Black Beauty!

Fashion world means white skin triumph Yet, many people want to highlight the unseen beauty in the black during this period. The crowd did not say the words of Anok Yay of Sudan.

Anok Yai The 19-year-old Sudanese man has been named by the name of a man named Queen of the Dark. This beautiful night, like fairytale, has made the world star. Nad caught the international ramp model as But after listening to her daily income estimation, the eyes look like the forehead.

In fact, his photos in Instagram provided numerous followers. Now, all the nomadic fashion brands in the world want to get this newly discovered black beauty model.

In fact, a photographer took photos of a 19-year-old girl in Howard University campus in Washington. After giving it Instagram, modeling proposal came in the form of his. That rise, and did not look back.

Now Anoka is pausing one after another. And for the eighth, his salary is 15 thousand dollars, Bangladeshi coins around 12.5 million taka! That is, as a normal working day, if he gives eight hours of work in the day, then the daily income is equal to the million!

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