Youth Maintained

Once causses of disorder get determined and removed (toxins from cookery, carnism, stress, lack of clean air & sunshine) and a more physiologically sane method of eating and living established and maintained, skin disorders, regardless of their nature or origin, disappear and thereafter stay kept under control.
Often unnecessarily, over years, once beautifully clear complexions of youth becomes wrinkled and aged-looking, covered in coarse pores and often marred by disfiguring moles and blotches. Deep-seated wrinkles, once established, cannot get eradicated but, with a well-planned and scientifically-correct total nutritional program including correct a diet of fruit and tender greens and some seeds that eliminates acid forming, dehydrating, fermenting or plant toxins, attaining sufficient full body naked sunshine especially on our genitals, as fresh air as we can, cleanliness with water not soap, exercise or routine physical activity thru play & meaningful work, in addition to other requisites of our organic existence, then much gets accomplished. Bodily fluid cleanses, livers & kidneys restore to a semblance of normalcy that reflects in younger appearances cause of more elastic skin.

Frequent attempts made throughout modern times to classify the multitudinous numbers of skin disorders, but such a task seems well nigh impossible.18424210_10154726670061848_5966803637372109880_n.jpg

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