
Thin is no longer in! Thin eyebrows that is….
Everyone is jumping on the beauty wagon and of course I had to as well. I obviously searched online and found useful information but once I got my eyebrows done. I was left with after care questions. Now, the girl that did my Microblading is amazing. All she told me was to add ointment and I can let water run down my face but that is pretty much it. And the youtube videos I watched Pretty left me with the same question. There is no “real” aftercare for Microblading. So, let me tell you a little bit more about my experience.

First, What is Microblading?

Microblading is a form of tattoo. A manual handheld tool is used instead of a machine to draw hair-like strokes to mimic natural hairs in your brows.

Now, I know Tattoos can be painful and sounds painful too. But, honestly it was not bad at all. The process was fast and result amazing.

After years of plucking…..my eyebrows no longer had that natural thickness. I struggle to get my eyebrows to look the same. One eyebrow was always arched higher than the other. I opted to getting this procedure done.

I went into the procedure early on a Saturday morning…….(Yea, I regretted doing that!) I will explain in a bit.

No makeup
Eyebrow is cleaned off for a nice application
Numbing Ointment is applied for about 15 minutes
You lay down and the person performing the procedure will start to draw lines on your face this will guide them on what your natural eyebrow shape is.
The person that did my eyebrows asked me how thick I wanted my eyebrows and kind of gave me an idea of what my eyebrows would look like by the drawing on my face

The person that did my eyebrows asked me how thick I wanted my eyebrows and kind of gave me an idea of what my eyebrows would look like by the drawing on my face (This picture is not me but of a friend)
Then the procedure starts with small strokes. It kind of feels like when you exfoliate your skin with a exfoliation glove with no water or any product on your skin.
After several strokes, the person performing the procedure will start to wipe the area so that they can see the strokes then they add color with q tip for penetration of color
I had her go over 3 different times in one session to get a darker look (keep in mind that the color will fade from the dark to very light color)
The procedure takes about 1 hour. My skin is super sensitive and around my eyebrows I got kind of a rash. But it was from the wipes that were used to wipe off the product throughout the session. Every skin is different. Other friends that got it done by the same person did not have the same skin reaction.

(This picture was the after picture) As you can see my skin was irritated but also I did get Microblading done on my face a week before and that can cause any irritation to my skin. Other friends left with no irritation or redness. Every skin is different.

Once the session was done, I had to go straight home because my skin was really irritated. Aftercare, I used nothing but Neosporin 3 times for 1 week. After the week I washed my eyebrows for the first time.

After 30 days, I scheduled my follow up to get my eyebrows retouched. My eyebrows didn’t need too much retouch because I got them dark to begin with. Now, after 2 months I will be going in for my 3rd retouch. I want them to look a little bit thicker.

Now you might ask yourself on pricing………………..It is not expensive depending on where you go. I am located in Arizona and most places here charge 300.00-500.00 USD. Of course, that is still pricey. I found a girl on facebook that charged me 150.00 USD with free retouch. I know you all are thinking ….150.00 USD for a 500.00 USD service… what’s the catch.

No catch. The girl that did my eyebrows has her own location and targets working class women that want to keep up with beauty trend. She does an amazing job and does it more for personal satisfaction and also to make some income. Which I think is awesome!

You can check her work out on her facebook page and if you are in the valley I highly recommend her!

You can go to http://beautihacks.com/?p=51 for this original blog

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