Beat Battle week 5 - My Entry 'Deep'

This is my entry for Beat Battle week 5.

I have just started to experiment with electronic music, but I'm a metal guitarist at heart, so I know how emotions like pain and sorrow can be removed by listening to great music or making some for your self, no matter how dark it may seem to some.

I have just started to experiment with electronic music, but I'm a metal guitarist at heart, so I know how emotions like pain and sorrow can be removed by listening to great music or making some for your self, no matter how dark it may seem to some.

I also use Alchemical elements as a basis for my music. Bass, mids and highs have EQs to target 432 Hz and the surrounding harmonics and basic gain staging and compression.

Drums - Earth = Rhythm
Bass - Water = Flow
Mids - Fire = Passion
Highs - Air = Ambiance
Unity - Master channel

Alchemy also deals with pulling ones self up from the darkness of life into love and acceptance of Self, so this was a good challenge to start with as it also relates to the first stage of the great work.

'Deep' refers to emotion, low bass, and the many layers to my work. There is more going on with effects, but I will have to explain next time.

Hope you enjoy.

Music created with Bitwig.

Image by @nicnas

Cheers 🍄

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