Beat Battle week 7 - Conspiracy Synergy

I created this track for the Steemit Beat Battle League week Seven. Thanks @chiefmappster and all the judges for making this possible.

For this weeks theme 'Beyond Bitcoin' I tried to play with the idea that conspiracy is not a dirty word (to paraphrase the Skyhooks). Now we have some conspiracy music just for the occasion.

Even though I don't know the whole back story, I did hear fuzzy and the gang joking about this idea, and I agree that the word conspiracy is misused because of silly 'theories'.

The baseline is the main drive of the track, and to me sounds like it means business. There is two bass sounds, one is slightly distorted and the other is a bass guitar wah sound.

The track begins with digital sounds before a 'sinister' bass line kicks in. The bass line resolves with higher notes to lighten the mood. A more organic sound, I called a space flute, sit on two tracks panned hard left and right, and creates juxtaposition against the bass with a happier vibe. It also contrasts the digital chirps that begin to play in rhythm about halfway through the track.

Thanks for checking it out.

Cheers 🍄

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