Life n' Times of Synchro Fuze: Beard beard beard

Okay, I'm insane for shaving off a glorious beard

But there's a reason behind that shave so hear me out

I've been growing my beard for a whole year and I was proud of if. I even had friends and family tell me to shave but I ignored them all because I know it was good

I never actually shaved because people telling me to do so.

So why shave???

Well, until the last days before I decided to shave, I kept snipping off lots of split end on my beard... I don't have split ends on my hair

I kept snipping it a lot like Every single day and damn that was frustrating. Then every once in a while I'd see hair that was crooked and I never understood why.

They say you gotta keep the beard healthy by using hair and shampoo and conditioner and moisturiser just so it can grow nicely. So I bought those product and tried them on, still I keep getting split and crooked hair strands.

It wasn't until I watched a YouTube video and this was a tutorial that the ladies did (and it was freaking good) where the girl visits a barbershop to talk about razors (they were testing out razors to shave the hair on their legs)

  • Shout out to Michelle Khare for doing that video "We tried men's vs women's razors"

According to the guy at the barbershop, conventional razors that are purchased at the store where they have the 3 blade and 5 blade razors are different in the handle itself and the blades are made in the same place. The stacked blades are just a gimmick, where they put a less quality blade in there.

The reality is, when you do use those type of razors, you do get a close cut, but it causes lots of damage when the hair is growing back.

  • If you haven't picked your razor for a week from the day you shaved, your face is definitely unhealthy.

Using the vintage safety razor if done right can promote a healthier hair growth. The only drawback for these razors, they don't offer much protection so you will have to do the shaving real slow and with a steady hand or you might just knick yourself or you might accidentally slit your jugular veins and die.

Since watching the video on YouTube, it dawned to me that maybe my previous shaving method might be wrong and that may be the reason why I'm having a hard time with my beard causing too many stray hairs, split ends and crooked ones.

So I got myself a vintage safety razor and I shaved off my beard after so long. After that shave, I kept it as a control to see if it was really true that my beard was unhealthy.

To my surprise, it actually was that I remembered previously when I started growing the beard, after the 1st shave, I had to go back wit a trimmer to trim my beard to the same length just because my beard growth was patchy. There was inconsistency when growing them the 1st time around that i had to do a couple of trims before I let it grow on its own.

The visible difference now?

I have to say, the growth is not patchy as before as I can see that it's covering the whole bearded area as though I was doing my 1st trim. I could fell the consistency in the growth as well and I'm actually impressed by the way it's growing back.

I might go for another run about on the beard before I put the razors down in order for the beard to grow on it's own.

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