3 Essential Beard Care and Grooming Items

From the beard blog archives of Beard Resource

So you have a sick looking beard, long, thick, and wizardly?

That's great, but don't forget that behind every great beard, is an even greater man, who knows how to properly trim, groom, and take care of their facial hair.

Growing a beard is easy, but caring for it is a form of art.

In this post, you will learn the three best beard products of 2019 every beardsman should have in their beard care arsenal, to grow their beards faster and stronger.

1. Beard Trimmer

Even though your goal might be growing the beard big, bushy, long, whaterver; you should still be trimming it along the way.

An untrimmed beard looks nasty and unkempt, the whiskers don't align, and there's no shape to it. No good.

I suggest you to go read this list of best trimmers, and get yourself a good one. Then learn how to properly trim your beard at home, there's plenty of guides on YouTube (my personal favorite).

2. Beard Brush

A quality beard brush is a must-have item for every beardsman. Sure you might think its useless, and you probably can live without one, but the benefits to owning one are endless (beard-wise that is).

Firstly, a boar bristle brush will exfoliate the skin underneath your facial hair, while also removing dead skin cells and other dirt from the beard.

Secondly, it stimulates the natural production of sebum from the follicle, while also boosting your circulation in the face, possibly promoting growth in the process.

Thirdly, with a beard brush, you can effectively redistribute the natural oil and sebum created by the follicle into the ends of the facial hairs. Without brushing, that stuff will stay right at the bottom of the root. You don't want that, you want the natural oils to nourish the full length of the beard.

3. Beard Comb

The longer the beard, the better idea it is to invest in a quality beard comb.

But what is a good beard comb?

Well, first off, you don't want anything made of plastic. Those are cheaply stamp pressed from hot plastic, which never has a perfect seam. This causes jagged edges in the teeth, which tangle up in your beard hairs. Another negative factor in plastic beard combs is the fact that they cause static charge in the whiskers. No bueno.

What you should look for is a wooden beard comb, with hand-crafted or at least hand-finished teeth (sandalwood is the best material + it smells freaking nice).

That's it, now beard up.

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